
You're worried about the warning in the admin panel, yes?
Are you able to move the xoops_lib and xoops_data folders to a level below /public_html?
You might not be allowed to if you're on a shared server - I'm not!
If you can move them then all you have to do is move the folders and then edit mainfile.php so that the revised path to them is given. That's it.
If you can't or are not allowed to move them then rename them to something else and edit mainfile.php accordingly.
My own site is structured like this (obviously, the names are different!):
/public_html/htdocs (<--xoops files here)
Protector works well like this (all the checks in the Secruruty Advisory work) and it logs everything as it should. I still get the warning in the admin panel but I've decided to ignore it