My changes to get WF-Links 1.06 to validate for CSS level 2 and XHTML 1.0 Transitional are shown below -- under XOOPS 2.3.2 and PHP5.
WF-Links 1.06 Module
wflinks_index.html (template)
NEW - simple change removed 13 errors!
As to an error regarding a "link rel=" for a style sheet being outside the head section, the line in question containing that is included via a reference (somewhere) to the wflinks_tag_block_cloud.html file which contains the single line:
<{include file="db:tag_block_cloud.html"}>
and tag_block_cloud.html is a Tag module blocks template, which contains the "link rel=" code in question. Wflinks checks whether the Tag module is activated; so, the block of code in question may or may not be present in the generated html page.
One solution might be to include the "link rel=" separately and earlier -- placed in the head section. But that would couple the code of the two modules -- require modifying the Tag module (to separate the "link rel=" statement from the following div code) and the wf-links module (to use a separate call in the head section). The easy way to eliminate this vaidation error was to deactivate the XOOPS Tag module.
Another problem was in the (English vs. French) admin.php and main.php and modinfo.php files for string values for PageRank and Google PageRank containing invalid byte values for the trademark symbol rather than "& t r a d e ;" string.
wflinks_singlelink.html (template)
wflinks_linkload.html (template)
wflinks_viewcat.html (template) - ten &'s and "absmiddle" to replace with "& a m p ;" and "middle" -- for example:
Fixing those lines left 6 validation errors, all were: value of attribute "align" cannot be "absmiddle"; must be one of "top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right".