There was infact a problem with block size and with morphogenesis family themes..
Underneath is partial solution from Ianez, which you add as it is in the end of xoops.css solve the problem of the
blocks being breaked up.. with a small filter wich preserve the hack for ie 5 on mac, and keeps block width.
It works with mine themes
This will hopefully addressed in next version of Xoops.
/* based on FabClearing by Fcaldera
http://www.html.it*/#centercolumn .blockContent:after, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0px;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
#centercolumn .blockContent, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent {
display: inline-block;
#centercolumn .blockContent, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent {
clear: both; /* for Gecko */
height: 1%; /* for IE */