Re: I need Two different loginscreens
  • 2009/10/28 21:18

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

Ofcourse I firstly did log my question with the Formulize guys, but I was thinking of a two way strategy, if one doesnt work you can always try the other one.
They have replied, but that solution didnt quite work yet.

And name and password could be simple in this case, since the survey list should be anonymous filled in, quite the contrast he hihi.

Anyway I have found an alternative way in Formulize, not entirely the way I would like, but it works and that's what count.


Re: I need Two different loginscreens
  • 2009/10/28 0:12

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

No, I want a separate login for xoops, an extra one so to say.
The standard one gives all access.
The extra one will be from one group which then is stripped from everything except the quistionaire.

Hope this makes it clear.


I need Two different loginscreens
  • 2009/10/27 22:10

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

Hi there,

Is it possible to have two separate loginscreens?

One is for new users on the site which uses the standard login through the profile section.

However I have created an Formulize Questionlist (formulize only works good with logged in users - the version for anonymous users doesnt work for me).
So I need a SEPERATE AND SIMPLE login in XOOPS in which they are only shown the Questionaire.



Re: Getting a blank home page!!
  • 2009/4/7 19:12

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

Did you also copy all the same languagefiles, perhaps in one of them is a typo that can cause the blanc screen.

Re: Latest MultiMenu (for xoops 2.3.x)
  • 2009/2/2 22:02

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

As far as I can see the way around is through the XOOPS standard menu ; using System - Blocks and then selecting the multi menu blocks.

Re: Themes look different with IE ..
  • 2008/12/22 13:55

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

There was infact a problem with block size and with morphogenesis family themes..
Underneath is partial solution from Ianez, which you add as it is in the end of xoops.css solve the problem of the
blocks being breaked up.. with a small filter wich preserve the hack for ie 5 on mac, and keeps block width.
It works with mine themes
This will hopefully addressed in next version of Xoops.

/* based on FabClearing by Fcaldera http://www.html.it*/
#centercolumn .blockContent:after, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0px;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;

#centercolumn .blockContent, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent {
display: inline-block;

#centercolumn .blockContent, #xo-page .xo-blockcontent {
clear: both; /* for Gecko */
height: 1%; /* for IE */

Re: e with accent text not accepted in Koivi/Articles
  • 2008/12/22 13:43

  • CatCath

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

What are your database settings (character setting, collation) for the table where Articles stores the stories?

mySQL charset UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

collation utf8_unicode_ci

Table Articles

What settings (_CHARSET, _LANGCODE, XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES) do you have in your /language/yourlanguage/global.php?

define('_CHARSET', 'ISO-8859-15');
define('_LANGCODE', 'nl');

// change 0 to 1 if this language is a multi-bytes language
define("XOOPS_USE_MULTIBYTES", "0");

What settings (setlocale) do you have in your /language/yourlanguage/locale.php?
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US');

Ok, so there is a difference, but what is now the best way to go on?

e with accent text not accepted in Koivi/Articles
  • 2008/12/22 12:18

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

Hi there,

I am working with 2.3.2 and the module Articles and Koivi. When I use characters with an accent (like é), that character and all following text dissapears when saving. Using a normal e, then it works?????
Any idea?

Re: editing user account gives blank page only with admin
  • 2008/10/30 3:04

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

I found the problem, its in the language module. Some guy here has changed it and that clearly is not working all the way.
Changing back to english gave me acces again in all.

Re: locked out of admin after testing protector
  • 2008/10/30 2:32

  • CatCath

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2005/8/24

hmmm, when reverting back to english (and changing utf-8 to ISO-8859-15) i am in again. Also when changing back to dutch.
Not sure if this is wat did the trick, i have trying so many things now.
After some more testing, the language module is the culprit here. There has been made some modification that clearly doesnt work properly.

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