Ahh great I don't know if they will like that feeling, but I am quiet adjusted to it
I am glad I can see your posts again.. Anyway, hey how is your sound quality next to xoops, cause I am still listening to the streaming radio and so on (this is not xoops) -> but in what Record Labels are like -> you could image a massive piece of music and distributions software and just a Music artist and legistics of sound, like the artist which I think here I am still listening to an artist as some legal prospective of "Don't do that to me or my client here listening in a room..." When do we hear the actual tune..
Well you know recently I distributed like in software communities in the local community around software development a 'securidoc' which you know have a 'nanotechnology strip' where I will put a blank one here so you can give it a go and see how the lines on it disappear in the fax on the other side and come in patterns a bit like a punch card - in the event of ahh communuication issue and you not being able to legally display a full depiction of that security strip - this with the same signature on it (Which as you know in any legal aspect every signature has to none identical) as well as for me my birth signature which may in a funny way, be a word like sammie (I have never you know... know my ahh deceased mother)..
Anyway... Check out my
stock ticker for ticker creation..
Secure Document ExampleYou could image for example Music Recording Labels, acutal software for torrenting where they and the artist can get a fee so no molecular chargeback happens to you for pirating sound for example and just a group of solicitors that like to put people into there own proscuting against you 'Record Label' for being DJ'd to the court rooms... where I am just the focal point for writting such software..
I still like the way there are no way of making effects like that in your avarta.... bit like adobe and the ahh yeah mine... lol you think court is fun, what about popup legal team sky-scrapers and stuff like solitictors with star ships... Well in words like 'Chrononautical Interlinear Transduction' you know as a co-operative like chronolabs, there is many members maybe some how unmentioned here. But like any structure to massive to have a corp/biz structure, you know members of other boards and business in I want nice chronological labority options, you could image a page impression in such a thing.. or donation options -> time and stuff. Someone has to place measure.