when I cut and paste the "insert" code, I added an extra
tag that doesn't belong. Remove that and try again.
The function code needs to be placed before the function is called, but otherwise, it shouldn't exactly matter where it is.
As to rewriting $dir, if you change the whole thing just make sure that you're putting the files there, in this case xoopsroot/themes/headimages, but that might confuse XOOPS, so realistically you want a 'headimages' subdirectory in each theme directory and then call it this way (but don't rewrite the $dir code, and make the width/height match your particular needs):
clear as mud?
The function code needs to be placed before the function is called, but otherwise, it shouldn't exactly matter where it is.
As to rewriting $dir, if you change the whole thing just make sure that you're putting the files there, in this case xoopsroot/themes/headimages, but that might confuse XOOPS, so realistically you want a 'headimages' subdirectory in each theme directory and then call it this way (but don't rewrite the $dir code, and make the width/height match your particular needs):
clear as mud?
Pessimists see difficulty in opportunity; Optimists see opportunity in difficulty. --W Churchill
XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development
XOOPS: Latest | Debug | Hosting and Web Development