Hi. I'm using a theme called '
bState' from the beta theme gallery here.
I have a problem with blocks. Some of them show where they're told to, some of them don't.
My site shows all blocks correctly if I use a Morphogenesis theme, so I'm guessing that the problem lies in the bState theme itself rather than the XOOPS install (2.3.1RC).
Is there anyone can point me to the right files to look at that control block layout, and can someone provide me with an example of the relevant code that is known to work?
Any suggestions much appreciated.
Possibly guilty files in the theme folder:
(I mention the possibility of this being a 2.3 bug as there seems to be a lot of folk out there on the forums having block trouble after upgrading... maybe something in the way XOOPS processes a certain instruction in some themes was changed by accident. just a thought.)
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