I made a quick test
my environment
# Apache HTTPD 2.2.9
# MySQL 5.0.51b
# PHP 5.2.6
1. download 2.26..install
2. create some custom block, activated some system blocks (new members,top poster etc)
3. download 2.3rc3, apply upgrade
2.26 to 2.018 and then to 2.3 rc3 (imho opinion upgrade process/guide should be improved and should be documented properly..there is no guide on how to upgrade 2.26 to 2.3 in the zip folder,
do i need to leave all the subfolder in the upgrade folder..or just leave the folder of my current XOOPS version....this will confused people especially new members
3. upgrade successfull....log to my site...what i notice all the custom block i created are gone...the system block that i activated still there though
hope this to be fix asap..