It is not only a question of language files.
It is also affecting the SQL files used at module install.
I'm evaluating
Xoops 2.3.0rc and ran in the following problem:
When installing
formulaire, the fields in the example form where truncated to the first accented character.
This was because the install routine of the XOOPS system proposed UTF-8. I deleted the database and did the install again this time with latin1 and latin1_general_ci. Now the tables and the database where recreated and had the correct encoding to receive these kind of SQL. Hereafter the install of the formulaire module gave complete and correct fields for the accented characters in the database. However in the display of the browser (FF 3.0.1 and also IE6) the accented characters where replaced by blockimages.
The cause of this was the english language selection, where in /language/global.php the '_CHARSET' was defined to 'UTF-8'.
The header of the html page identified also the character encoding as UTF-8.
Apparently there was no conversion done from the database character set to the html output character set.
Installing and switching to the dutch language (my sites default) where '_CHARSET' is defined as 'ISO-8859-1' let correctly appear the accented characters.
While eastern languages may need / benefit from UTF-8, it seems to me that European languages are more advantagous to use latin1.
Maybe there should be an explication note added to the selection box in the XOOPS install procedure that points out these things.