Most pages are blank
  • 2008/7/22 14:06

  • charlesg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2006/5/12

I am in big trouble with my XOOPS install and I don't know why. I changed nothing and this morning most of the pages are blank. I was assuming some kind of php error but I can't get any error info. I went in the DB and the debug_mode to 1 and 2 and I get nothing. I tried using php.ini file which is read according to phpinfo() but I still get no PHP errors per say.

I cleaned out cache/ and checked permissions...
I cleaned out template_c and checked permissions...
I cleaned out the xoops_sessions and xoops_online tables...
I sanity checked a few of the other tables (user table mainly) and they look okay.

I can't open up user.php or admin.php, most pages I try are just plain blank. Nothing. Just plain white. I *know* there are lots of forum topics out there with blank pages but I tried everything that was recommended and still get nothing.

The only page that return something so far is user.php but I don't get the login form. I get the header with banner ads and the footer, nothing in between.

I guess it could be a problem with templates since the user.php file is really not that long and should just bring up the login form:

$xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'system_userform.html';
include 'header.php';
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_login', _LOGIN);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_username', _USERNAME);
if (isset($_COOKIE[$xoopsConfig['usercookie']])) {
$xoopsTpl->assign('usercookie', $_COOKIE[$xoopsConfig['usercookie']]);
if (isset($_GET['xoops_redirect'])) {
$xoopsTpl->assign('redirect_page', htmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['xoops_redirect']), ENT_QUOTES));
echo "12MARKER";
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_password', _PASSWORD);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_notregister', _US_NOTREGISTERED);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_lostpassword', _US_LOSTPASSWORD);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_noproblem', _US_NOPROBLEM);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_youremail', _US_YOUREMAIL);
$xoopsTpl->assign('lang_sendpassword', _US_SENDPASSWORD);
$xoopsTpl->assign('mailpasswd_token', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->createToken());
include 'footer.php';

I am totally lost here. I need help.

I am think I may try to re-install or upgrade to see if it helps but I HATE doing that on a broken site cause I'm not sure if I'm making things worst.

Re: Most pages are blank
  • 2008/7/22 14:19

  • charlesg

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2006/5/12

I tried setting debug_mode to 3 (Smarty Debug) and I do get the smarty debug console. It talks about "db:system_userform.html" but I don't see that file in template_c. I can't find it anywhere really, is it in the DB?

I do have the system's ./modules/system/templates/system_userform.html

Here is the smarty output in case it helps:

Smarty Debug Console
included templates & config files (load time in seconds)
/home/charlesg/public_html/scan60/themes/geometric_red/theme.html (0.00233)
assigned template variables
{$SCRIPT_NAME} /user.php
{$lang_login} User Login
{$lang_lostpassword} Lost your Password?
{$lang_noproblem} No problem. Simply enter the e-mail a...
{$lang_notregister} Not registered? Click http://scan60.com/themes/geometric_red
bufferOutput => 1
canvasTemplate => theme.html
contentTemplate => db:system_userform.html
contentCacheLifetime => 0
contentCacheId => empty
content => empty
plugins => Array (1)
xos_logos_PageBuilder => xos_logos_PageBuilder Object (2)
theme => [object xos_opal_Theme]
blocks => Array (8)
canvas_left => Array (0)
canvas_right => Array (0)
page_topleft => Array (0)
page_topcenter => Array (0)
page_topright => Array (0)
page_bottomleft => Array (0)
page_bottomcenter => Array (0)
page_bottomright => Array (0)
renderCount => 0
template => [object XoopsTpl]
metas => Array (4)
http => Array (2)
Content-Script-Type => text/javascript
Content-Style-Type => text/css
meta => Array (0)
link => Array (0)
script => Array (1)
/include/xoops.js => Array (2)
type => text/javascript
src => http://scan60.com/include/xoops.js
htmlHeadStrings => Array (0)
templateVars => Array (0)
use_extra_cache_id => 1