Hi, i am taking over the management of a XOOPS site, i need to redesign the site n stuff.
So first of all i found myself a new theme, i found out that this isn't something easy that u can just change by visitting admin page on the site, u needa upload some files to the webspace using ftp client.
so i downloaded a ftp client, typed my username and password that i used to access the admin page of my site, it says authetication failed. i found out u need to have something called a ftp account.
a few questions:
1. if i have to take over this site, i have to use wampserver as well like what ppl did for a new site?
2. how do i set up a ftp account that enables me to upload files to webspace? or only the previous owner has the access to it? he only made me the site admin, is he holding other kinds of master username or password which u need to access ftp?
sorry for my newbieness, thanks for ur help.