Hello from another part of the UK
xoops is a framework that allows you to build whatever sort of site you want.
The basic installation provides you with the user-group and login features that you need, but you can choose what modules you want to add to make your site what you want it to be.
Do you want forums? Add a forums module. Do you want content/page? Add a content module. Do you what links from your site? Add a links module. Photo gallery? No problem
There are modules to do most things.
Add a theme to change the look of your site.
The main thing to remember is that all modules use the core XOOPS functionality, so once registered your site's users can use all features. But you, the webmaster, can set permissions to control who can do what on your site.
Tell us what you want to do with you site and we'll help you and provide guidance. And everything is free; not costs, etc. You will get out as much as you put in.
PM me if you want help.