Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/9 17:36

  • btesec

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 623

  • Since: 2007/2/20

Also read the wiki 'QA and Testing' https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/QA-Testing it is very clear to understand.

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)


There is a easy way to make a link to the wiki -
it is open Double braces ~ name of page ~ and close Double braces.

Welcome aboard the wiki train...

I found your link


I am using
# Apache Web Server Version 2.2.4
# PHP Script Language Version 5.2.1
# MySQL Database Version 5.0.27

and most if not all of the modules that are mantained/updated are functional with the above specs. It would be great to see all modules updated at least once or twice a year. Maybe someone/group with the programming skills can take this slack to update them. I know there are some useful modules(outdated ones i mean) that are not working. Maybe a forum can be started for this where all needed modules can be listed and updated since the current modules devs are not able or have abandoned the projects. What do you all think? It has taken me a while to identify modules that really work properly, I mean almost an year.

my 2 cents here.


Thanks for joining in...
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/14 17:29

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25

Can we have a XOOPS module team starting from this thread?

Potential tasks of this team:
1 Keep modules in xoops.org repository up-to-date
2 Evaluate modules in repository
3 Help module authors release security fixes in case necessary
4 Adopt abandoned modules or help make migration scripts for abandoned modules
5 Make out-of-box module distributions for different types of users

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/14 18:38

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

I can take number 4. :)

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/14 20:48

  • mdeshane

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2006/10/19

This sounds like a fabulous idea! There are plenty of "DEAD" modules in the repository. It would be nice to see some or most of them useable again. I could probably do some debugging, I seem to be pretty good at that. Also, IMHO we need to keep compatibility with PHP4 for at least 1 more year. As most web hosts have just started upgrading their servers in the last few months. I know that my host (iPowerWeb), will still be upgrading accounts to PHP5 in August. However, come 2009 we should all kiss PHP4 goodbye for good!

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/14 22:03

  • JulioNC

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 239

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A Great Example of maintainers software packages is The Debian Project (A Linux distribution).

When we can't contact the developer module, or perhaps the developer says it is no longer able to support his module. These XOOPS modules will be called Orphan XOOPS Modules (OXM).

Those who want to adopt these Orphan XOOPS Modules, they can join to New XOOPS Developer.

A XOOPS Developer is a person who work with a official modules and third party modules. Obviously, his modules must pass quality control and testing (See a QA and testing wiki page).

- XOOPS API knowledge (of course in PHP)
- Contributions of XOOPS Community

- Join a XOOPS Developer Group
- List of XOOPS Jobs available (People will know that you are a developer and you can get a job)
- Maybe you can get a e-mail account: yourname @ xoops.org
- and other things

IMHO, We need a new XOOPS DEV Forge.
Excuse me, my english is not good


http://www.debian.org/devel/join/newmaint (more info)
https://nm.debian.org/newnm.php (Join a Debian Maintainer)
http://people.debian.org/~anibal/talks/20050910-debian-uy.txt (Spanish information, Please, you use google translate)

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/15 1:43

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20


JulioNC wrote:

IMHO, We need a new XOOPS DEV Forge.

I agree. I'm not a module developer, but confess I am unaware of a suite of modules that seems (to me) to be as good as the ones the dev forge had - xfmod a.k.a. xoopsforge a.k.a. cforge.

A solution where each project had it's own file repository, bug-tracking utility and discussion forum seems (to me) to provide the ideal environment for structured development or updating of modules.

Anyone who can adopt that module suite and fix the incompatibilities and security issues would provide the 'orphanage' project with a great utility IMHO.

I struggled with it for for a while, but concluded that it needs a throbbing PHP brain in a glass jar to get it to work with 'globals' off and a modern version of Xoops.

My brain throbs, but sadly that's just the beer!
A thread is for life. Not just for Christmas.

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/15 22:20

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

I took a look in xoopsforge and I was able to get it installed, not bad!
Then I made the administration to work.
But now I´m pretty stuck.
I got errors in header and footer and I think it is because the XF folder is outside de modules folder and XOOPS does not reconize it.
It will be a great problem to make it work as a module I think.


Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/16 0:00

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

Placing xf in modules folder, adding a xoopsversion.php, changing relative paths and installing it made it work!

Now, for solving the globals issue I added some lines in pre.php (this is included everywere)

$strings = array(

$ints = array(

foreach (
$strings as $k){
$k '';

foreach (
$ints as $k){
$k '';

if ( isset(
$_POST) ) {
    foreach ( 
$_POST as $k => $v ) {
        if (
$k addslashes($v);

if ( isset(
$_GET) ) {
    foreach ( 
$_GET as $k => $v ) {
        if (
$k addslashes($v);

if ( isset(
$_POST) ) {
    foreach ( 
$_POST as $k => $v ) {
        if (
$k intval($v);

if ( isset(
$_GET) ) {
    foreach ( 
$_GET as $k => $v ) {
        if (
$k intval($v);

Now everytime I get an undefined variable I just add it to the corresponding array(strings or ints)!!

Can anybody check if this code is safe to use?
How should I sanitize it better?

Re: Xoops Modules (All Xoops Users Please Read)
  • 2008/1/17 5:51

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

the most issue for reopening the d.x.o is to decide what tools we should use in the site.
personally i like to see a developer to continue work on "xproject" or "xfmod" and make a built in forge module for XOOPS. i think we should use XOOPS modules for XOOPS dev site
also we have other alternatives like using cforge and ...


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