realty module integration - help
  • 2007/12/5 9:18

  • blindman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/6/26

Hello xoopsers.
Even that we have some directory listings module available, I think that a proper integration of specialized modules would be an advantage for our community.
I'm thinking about realty module.
What should do this module to be a real XOOPS module:
- use smarty templates
- use admin side of XOOPS for admin stuff
- use XOOPS users, login, sessions, ...
- use language strings like any other XOOPS module
- use XOOPS classes (incl. database class)
and the list should be bigger.

Because all I know about php is because of xoops, I intended to make a full ported version of realty module and make a surprise for you. A lot of work, but things seems to go further, until now. I have a problem.

I have replaced database class that is used by realty with XOOPS db class. Seems to be ok, but, in browse_listing.php file some stuff are sended by &GET, like PHPSESSID. Than try to create a temp table named after this session. Store some things in it and aftre that to delete it. I get a MySQL error like

Database update not allowed during processing of a GET request

I wish to be able to avoid this " make table" and delete table based on Get request.

I ask for help, if any module developer could help me. How to solve this. Need an alternative procedure, hint an example.
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2007/12/5 16:12

  • smart2

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 129

  • Since: 2007/1/19

Hi try using xoopsDB->queryF instead of xoopsDB->query.
The error is normal.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2007/12/9 15:10

  • blindman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/6/26

TNX smart2 , I'll check it out.
Anyway, after a long and hard work of rewrite functions and stuff, I realised that this module works only with register_global on (if I'll make it work).
How can I make it work with register_global off.

This module has no classes defined. I would try to group functions into classes.
Another problem. Logging. Another user table, different login?
Can I define a realty_user class that extend XOOPS user class?
Ideea is - when you loggin into xoops, if you access realty module, to be added into realty user table (without password) and the realty user table to have a field xuid . Than, if you are logged in as XOOPS user, to have acces at your realty account.
Is it a good ideea? Does it solve the authentification problem generated by register global off?
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2007/12/29 10:36

  • blindman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/6/26

Thanks, it works. Things are much further than last time I posted here.
Now, I have another question. If somebody can help me with some hints.
EDIT: Already solved. (about replacement of a database function defined in realty database class).
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/3 20:03

  • btesec

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 623

  • Since: 2007/2/20


I am happy to see this script being integrated to Xoops. Please this is one of the much needed mods in xoops. I am not a programmer, but am willing to test and report. Hope to see beta soon.. Guys please help here.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/5 11:26

  • blindman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/6/26

TNX. Glad to see somebody is interested.
I’ll go on in my free time, which is quite limited. But I think I’ll be able to offer a functional version of this module some day. Maybe in a couple of weeks or 1 month. I wish to be a pleasant surprise rather than a disappointment.

Even so, I’m going to face some problem:

Is a rewritten script, basically on realty module structure (fully xoopsized). I don’t know right now if I may publish this for free, with GPL License. If I may do this, is OK

I don’t have a site, like many other module developer, with a forum support, and so on.
I work on localhost with “server on a stick” and 2.2 version of xoops.

If everything is going well, I intend to ask a module developer to adopt this module, for online support, download, feedback ….

I wish to make it clonable, but anyway, what name this module should have? Realty is ok, or another name (with the specification that this comes from realty structure and functionability) in order to avoid confusions.

And finally, but not the last things I want to say.
English is not my native language and I have difficulties in my written sentences. (so please excuse my misspellings ).
I am not a programmer. I do this for fun and to give something back to this great community.
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/7 2:19

  • Kumar

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  • Since: 2005/8/8 1

You can submit this module at https://xoops.org/modules/news/submit.php

Also try sf.net

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/7 18:21

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

  • Posts: 2857

  • Since: 2004/1/25

In case you need any help, speak out and I believe everyone is glad to help and share :)

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/7 21:31

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

I too would really like to see a working realty module like this developed!

I have used an installation of OpenRealty in an XOOPS site, but I have just framed this second application using an iframe. As a module, something like this would be much easier to use.

I look forward to the release of this mod!

Re: realty module integration - help
  • 2008/1/8 3:43

  • blindman

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/6/26

I've asked for help, and I'm gonna need it. I told you my actual problems, some of them I've solved, the others wil be solved with your help.
Thank you everyone.
I'll let you know about my progress.
At this stage is not fully functionaly, and I dont want to dissappoint you.
Right now, I have finished admin zone like 95% (5% left from admin menu and permission levels stuff).
Public area is about 45% done. Is quite mutch to work, Real estate and Auto center, everithing is x2 to do.

I have made a cuple af days off, and tomorrow will start again to work on this.

If things ar going like this, I think that in a couple of weeks ( + / _) you will test a xoopsized version, but a version which will need inprovements I'm afraid.

So, back to work, and I'm going to tell you about progress.
Don't follow me. I'm lost too.


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