Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/12 23:21

  • Bender

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BlueStocking wrote:
DJ doesn't read all these posts, he just doesn't have time to keep up with all the drama...

Pardon me - but did he actually say that or is that just what you believe?

Since he assumed full control and not only development control that would be rather ... hmmm ... strange. So i assume this is speculation on your part right?

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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?

Actually, we have been rather busy, DJ doing his thing and Irmtfan and me doing our thing and trying to keep in touch and provide a bit of help on the forum where we can now and then...

SEE: part of the schedule over the past few days...

DJ is not solely absorbed about the reamblings on the board when it comes to getting the jobs done that need doing.

I have found his input to be more on a productive level than personal banter of who done who wrong or woe is me what will the future be...

As I said, I don't think he has time for the drama board.
If there is something he needs to know PM him and ask for a response. It always works for me.

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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/13 1:16

  • Catzwolf

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DJ is not solely absorbed about the reamblings on the board when it comes to getting the jobs done that need doing.

Yes that has been the major issue and if he took more time to actually see what was going on in front of him, this may not have happened.

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?

DJ in in personal email correspondance along with the rest of the DPT ... They are re-evaluating where they are on the proposal I would suspect. Since there has been a call for some resignations.

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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?

administrator, ... of what pray tell?
I have privledges to keep the wiki area clean and functioning. That is like a janitor having the keys to the broom closet so he can get his supplies.

The funny part is I haven't even needed them ... the wiki folks clean up after themselves pretty well.

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Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/13 17:13

  • Mamba

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The only problem i see with impresscms is that xoopsfoundation directors are involved in the product. Literaly from law point of view, yes a director or board-member etc have a legal responsibility to not be involved with a competing project, so even though these are open source projects and they can continue to support any one or two or any number of cms but only as long as they do not hold any position in the xoopsfoundation. The actions of the xoopsfoundation board-members involved with impresscms goes against the statutes of the foundation.

Exactly! And because of this violation they have been asked to resign from the XOOPS Foundation.

I had a discussion with Marcan yesterday about it and he fully understood the legal situation and resigned the same day, and I have to commend him for it!

We are still waiting for response from Herko and DavidI2.

I hope, everybody understands that this is a serious legal issue, as it involves a registered legal entity, and the law is very clear about legal obligations of Board members.

As I stated in my original email, this is not about dissolving the Foundation, but about resignation of Board members who violated their legal obligations to the XOOPS Foundation. The Foundation should continue, but we need to transition to new Officers.
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How much money has the xoops foundation earned in 2007?
  • 2007/12/13 17:27

  • mauricio

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How much money has the XOOPS aFoundation earned in 2007?

Re: Xoops community donations being used to fork Xoops?
  • 2007/12/13 17:31

  • Mamba

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Now if its being dismantled who would take care of legal issues? To be blunt ... right now if Ono is still the owner of the domain and only dns pointing has been changed to dj´s server he would be probably get sued for things happening here on site if something happened. Doesnt seem right to me.(actually if i were him i would have handed the domain over to whomever he liked long time ago or would have kicked everyone out of here two years ago)

But back to topic ... who would continue it and if not: what with the funds? Don´t now about the legal part. In Germany i believe it would be given to charity upon dismantling. Not sure what would be the deal here.

The Foundation is not being dismantled. Following the recent violation of their legal duties as Board members, Herko, DavidI2, and Marcan have been asked to resign, and to transition Foundation to new members to be appointed by the Project Council.

Marcan has already resigned, and we are still waiting for response from Herko and DavidI2. I hope they understand that since they have committed to ImpressCMS they violated their legal duties as Board members, and therefore they cannot be on the XOOPS Foundation anymore. I hope, they will do the right thing and move on without causing more damage to XOOPS.

I also hope that they will make the correct transition to new Board members who will be appointed soon by the XOOPS Project Council. This is just their legal obligation resulting from the fact that XOOPS Foundation is a legal entity governed by Dutch law, and they as officers have to ensure that the legal and financial aspects of the Foundation are properly transfered to new officers.
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Re: Show us the $$$....!
  • 2007/12/13 17:34

  • vaughan

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actually technically, the foundation is for supporting XOOPS, and as impressCMS is technically XOOPS, just not DJ's XOOPS, nobody breeched the foundations policy and statute, because impressCMS is still XOOPS for the time being. it just isn't XOOPS.org xoops.

on a legal standpoint, nobody did anything unjust. and that is not up for argument. morally i agree there is seen to be a conflict of interest, but not legally. anyway discussion closed.

the XOOPS Foundation *is* to be dissolved completely.

and before anybody asks anymore questions about money and whatever, WAIT FOR THE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. this is the last post from me here, and you will not get anymore answers or responses from anyone relating to impressCMS on xoops.org *or* xoopsinfo unless it's a support issue. so it would be pointless to even ask. so please wait for the official announcement, dissolving a legally registered company is not an overnight task, I know you don't like me or a certain other number of people, but please be patient on this issue, your wishes will be done.

Re: How much money has the xoops foundation earned in 2007?
  • 2007/12/13 17:36

  • Mamba

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  • Since: 2004/4/23

The report has not been yet published. But I would expect that we'll have this published as part of transition from Herko, DavidI2, and Marcan, to new Board.

I assume that we can legally make the transition on January 1st, 2008, so the current Board will have full legal accountability for all financial aspects for 2007. This way we'll have a clean cut-off date for reporting as well.
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