Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 4:44

  • Mamba

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catzwolf_ wrote:

Project leader and core developer is NOT a one man job, and anyone who has ever been in that position will tell you so.

As I said before, delagation is the key part of success in any business or project.

I agree to the delegation part, so if the Core Developer is a good in delegation, he can be also a Project Leader.

Look, we had Skalpa and Herko in separate positions, and we know the result of it. It didn't work.

Let's not try to make it in stone one way or the other. There are success stories on both sides of the spectrum, as well as failures. In the end, it all comes to the person, and the people who support him. If he gets a good Council doing what they supposed to do, then he'll have less project management work.

If the people on the Council would constantly argue as it is now the case at XOOPS, there will be no progress even with five project managers.

I believe that we should allow anybody (incl. Core developers) to apply for being the project manager, and the community should be able to vote on who they want to see as the XOOPS Project Manager.

Simple and democratic.
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Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 5:02

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


Mamba wrote:

Look, we had Skalpa and Herko in separate positions, and we know the result of it. It didn't work.

Let's not try to make it in stone one way or the other. There are success stories on both sides of the spectrum, as well as failures. In the end, it all comes to the person, and the people who support him. If he gets a good Council doing what they supposed to do, then he'll have less project management work.

Sorry Mamba, but with all due respect just because two people fail in many respects does not mean the next two people will do the same. The problem is that people here are unwilling to take any chances on the fact that we have had failures before. Well we might as well packup and all go home and not even bother.

The fact is there have been more council member elected and left than I care to count or remember, if that doesn't tell you something then nothing will. The problem is that the current mandate and policy is so far not bringing this community together but splitting it futher apart. We have a council in direct opposition from a self elected body that will not co-operate with the so called elected bodie of Xoops, doesn't this also tell you something?

Now if the problems were only the day to day running of this project then I may have agreed with you, but the fact is this JOB right now is not a one man task. If DJ wishes to be project leader then I suggest he hires a new lead core developer and concentrate on the task of bringing this project together, code and community wise.

I believe people actually underestimate the severity of the full task here at XOOPS and you all think that by electing a council that all the problems here at XOOPS will just fade away. The problem with XOOPS is that it has always had a weak leadership (Ono not included in this), with no real vision or leadership skills and that is why this project is in a mess.

I have seen many project handled by a project leaders who delegate tasks and is willing to work for the project rather than themselves.



Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 5:21

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

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The important thing is that for the first time, we have a process underway that will allow community members to have a say in how the project will be run in future.

I think it is also quite encouraging that so far everyone is talking about a new management structure where leaders are elected, and where management of the project will be by groups of people (as is the case in nearly all modern organizations), rather than by individuals. That's a pretty big step forward.

There are a lot of different views about how the project should be run and that's fine. The main thing is that we need to find a way that we can have an orderly discussion about it. That's the goal of the OP and one of the key jobs for this proposal drafting committee.

I agree that it will not be easy but at least we have a way forward. I think it will work if there is a sincere and transparent attempt for community engagement, because bottom line is that people do want to see the project succeed.

If we don't try, failure is guaranteed. So, lets give it a shot, there's a lot to gain and nothing to lose.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 5:35

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


MadFish wrote:
The important thing is that for the first time, we have a process underway that will allow community members to have a say in how the project will be run in future.

I think it is also quite encouraging that so far everyone is talking about a new management structure where leaders are elected, and where management of the project will be by groups of people (as is the case in nearly all modern organizations), rather than by individuals. That's a pretty big step forward.

There are a lot of different views about how the project should be run and that's fine. The main thing is that we need to find a way that we can have an orderly discussion about it. That's the goal of the OP and one of the key jobs for this proposal drafting committee.

I agree that it will not be easy but at least we have a way forward. I think it will work if there is a sincere and transparent attempt for community engagement, because bottom line is that people do want to see the project succeed.

If we don't try, failure is guaranteed. So, lets give it a shot, there's a lot to gain and nothing to lose.

I'm sorry Madfish, but I clearly am ready something that you are not here. I have not seen one thing from the council that is in direct agreement with anything within this topic or other topics that have been clearly trying to address the issues at hand.

It is clear that DJ does not wish to entertain a project manager as we the communtity have asked for. It is clear that the pruposed structure that the community differs from the one that DJ wishes to put in place.

It is also clear that The council do not have the full mandate to carry out that it states due to a direct conflict with another body with Xoops, mainly the foundation. Now If we can't have the council and the foundation (Who both state that here for the good of Xoops) work together (see the server topic) and are always at the direct conflict with each other, how do you expect them to listen and work with the community?

Clearly the community does have a mandate for self goverance and an understanding of how it would like XOOPS to be run, but if you cannot get council and the foundation to ackknowledge even the simplist of the community terms, then what chance do the community being heard with more important ones?

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 6:03

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2003/9/27

I think that the council is supporting the process that has been outlined (at least, they are credited as contributors to it). It's worth noting that the OP suggests the current council should be dissolved and reformed by elected representatives of the teams.

As I understand the role of this proposal drafting committee, everything is up for discussion - including whether there is or isn't a project manager, what they should do and how they should be selected etc. Nothing is set in stone at this stage (if I find out that it is, I will certainly let people know about it!).

I agree the foundation and council (assuming there will be one!) need to work together. Exactly how is probably another issue that this drafting committee should look at. There are some good models from other projects. From what I've seen most of these try to distance such entities from politics, involving them in 'councils' or whatever but with restricted or absent voting rights.

Anyway, until have a draft proposal in our hands everything else is hypothetical! Lets set up this committee and try to put a draft together - then we will have something firm the community can discuss!

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 6:08

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

We will see, I am not as optimistic as you considering the track record and recent history of both the council and foundation.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 6:10

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1056

  • Since: 2003/9/27

Can only try and see

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 16:40

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

Ok then, Let's try and see.

I also accept the nomination to participate in a committee to work on the proposals.

Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project
  • 2007/10/26 17:13

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

catzwolf_ wrote:
It is clear that DJ does not wish to entertain a project manager as we the communtity have asked for. It is clear that the pruposed structure that the community differs from the one that DJ wishes to put in place.

Please don't use this "community" thing to justify your opinion. Please show me a poll where we asked the question and the community voted and agreed to it. You might have a different opinion than I do, and I respect it, but it's your opinion, and not the one of the whole community till we have an official poll.

It is also clear that The council do not have the full mandate to carry out that it states due to a direct conflict with another body with Xoops, mainly the foundation.

Why doesn't have the mandate? According to the original proposal which I think was accepted (and I don't see any official record that the rules have been changed), the Foundation members should be selected by the Council, so for me the Council has the mandate.

And why do you assume that it is a council's fault? Maybe it's the Foundation's fault? Maybe there are people there who just want to hang on to their power? To be honest, as long as we don't have elections for the Foundation and they appoint themselves (see here)
How prospective members are selected, is up to the members themselves. They can -if they want- organize an election to get candidates, and can even decide prior to this that the elected candidate(s) will become members of the Board, but this is not standard practice.

I cannot support self-appointed "Chairman" Herko on that. Please note that this is a clear departure from Herko's original post:
However, this can be solved by replacing 'selected by' with 'recommended by' the Steering Committee (what I called the Council in my proposal). The Foundation can add regulations about this recommendation, to make sure it happens properly, but legally only the seated directors can select new members of the board.
And if the Steering Committee and community allows me to, I'd like to remain as Chairperson of the Foundation for a longer period. Both for practical reasons, and because I'd enjoy that. Since the Foundation and Steering Committee have clearly defined roles (the STeering Committee effectively managing the project, the Foundation managing the assets), I think that fits with the current situation.
But, only if you agree.

Even if FAQ answer might be related to the legal requirements, it should be mentioned there that the nominations will be recommended by the Council (aka Steering Team)! Otherwise it smells like a dishonest power grab. Thankfully we have the records so we can keep them honest

The only person as a Chairman I could accept w/o voting would be Mr. Ono who started XOOPS. Everybody else should be for a vote.

If Herko would say: "We are creating the Foundation and in order to start, I'll be the temporary Chairman for the next 6 months till we have a structure in place, and then we'll have an election" I would be OK. But the way it went, with Herko self-appointing himself for life, the lack of financial statements for a long time, and most of all, the resistance to publish them, and the recent events with servers, concern me that this might be more about power and control than about anything else

One more thing - looking for Deja Vu? check this out....
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Re: Proposal: Towards A Sustainable Open Source Project

Not too early to fire this one off, I trust. I'm going to lose track of what's been said by who if I don't start now. After reading through the best part of 100 notifications in the last 24hrs, I have four points (referring to posts up to and including #48) tonight:

1) I'd like to comment on the posts relating to a project leader. First some background:

phppp wrote:Quote:

XOOPS Project Leader:
The XOOPS Core Development Leader will be the overall Project Leader. In this regard, the Project Leader is an ordinary member of the XOOPS Council.

catzwolf_ wrote:Quote:

This goes against everything this community has been asking that the core developer does not do.

mamba wrote:Quote:

Let's look at the history of XOOPS - we had recently Skalpa as Development Leader, and Herko as the Project Leader, but I don't think that we can report great successes from that time, do we?

vaughan wrote:Quote:

project leader should NOT be the core dev leader. conflict of interest anybody?

seth_sd wrote:Quote:

I absolutely agree that the core developer should not be the project leader and actually one of the reasons I like the proposal that Crip put forward. This has never worked before and not going to work in the future.

mamba wrote:Quote:

I don't care if the Core developer is the Project Leader or not. But I don't want to exclude him from being the Project Leader.

catzwolf_ wrote:Quote:

Project leader and core developer is NOT a one man job, and anyone who has ever been in that position will tell you so.

mamba wrote:Quote:

In the end, it all comes to the person, and the people who support him. If he gets a good Council doing what they supposed to do, then he'll have less project management work.

catzwolf_ wrote:Quote:

The problem with XOOPS is that it has always had a weak leadership (Ono not included in this), with no real vision or leadership skills and that is why this project is in a mess.

MadFish wrote:Quote:

everything is up for discussion - including whether there is or isn't a project manager, what they should do and how they should be selected etc. Nothing is set in stone at this stage

My take:
I hesitate in saying this, but I think there's a fundamental problem with people's conception of the role of 'Project Leader'. This is why I referred, in the CCT proposal, to the job as Chairperson of the Community Coordinating Council. I personally don't see the need for an almighty leader. I think each work-group/team is best suited to manage itself. Work-group/team proposals would be presented to the Coordinating council, voted on and only if the ballot was one short of a majority would the chairperson's vote come into effect. The council would have made it's decision, the work-group/team would have the go-ahead or not, and the work could get done (or a revised proposal could get drafted). A key to this system would be that the Council should have enough members to present a meaningful sample of intelligent opinion. Three, five or even seven councillors (or as I prefer, 'Reps') would not be enough to reflect a balanced sample of the community.
So I say this. Rather than worry about who the Chairperson may be or which work-group/team she may come from, how about we consider how much power should be in the hands of one person. Whoever that might be.

2) Next, the Foundation:

phppp wrote:Quote:

The XOOPS Foundation will serve as a treasury and legal support entity for the XOOPS Project. The Foundation will be managed by a Foundation Team directed by the XOOPS Council directly

vaughan wrote:Quote:

nice conflict of interest arisen there. the council controls the project? >snip< now the council controls the foundation too?

mamba wrote:Quote:

Something I definitely don't want to see is somebody self-appointing himself to be the Foundation chair

Again, I see this as being a fundamental problem of dishing out of too much power to too small a group of people. The new Foundation's role could (should in my opinion) be limited to that of treasury/legal entity representing XOOPS to the outside world according to the community's will. To be fair, the community haven't (in recent memory) shown any semblance of a unified voice to which the foundation could bow down to with confidence that they were doing the right thing. Consequently they have taken on the role of 'guardian' of xoops, but my question is who are they guarding it from and when does guardianship become a hinderance? Further, are we the community able to work in a mature and constructive enough way to reassure the foundation that it's safe to let us get on with things at last? Let's hope so!

3) on participation:
It's good to see so many people here taking part in what many hope will end up being a seminal debate. Personally I'm very happy that seth_sd, MadFish, Wizanda and BlueStocking have accepted their nominations. I sincerely hope that skenow and others decide to be part of a generally positive movement.
I'd like to repeat BS's request that people keep to the topic in hand, namely setting up a committee for and then the actual planning of a new structure of management that will allow all XOOPS contributors to get on with the jobs that need taking care of so desperately. If you're not going to write about that, please take it elsewhere. As skenow so concisely put it:
Any and all personal attacks, insinuations, allegations or rumors must cease before convening any new committee, task force, group or council and undertaking any new initiative. Until these conditions are met, there will be no progress.

I would dearly like to see Herko, Marcan and phppp take a more active part in this debate.

4) a favourite quote:
A (very slightly modified) quotation From Noam Chomsky's book "What We Say Goes"
David Barsamian:
I want to ask you about tinkerers versus overhaulers, reforms - cosmetic improvements and adjustments to the system - versus substantive structural change.

Noam Chomsky:
"Tinkering, to borrow your word, is a preliminary to large-scale change. There can't be large-scale structural change unless a very substantial part of the population is deeply committed to it. It's going to have to come from the organized efforts of a dedicated population. That won't happen, unless people perceive that the reform efforts, the tinkering, are running into barriers that cannot be overcome without institutional change. Then you get pressure for institutional change. But short of that realization, there is no reason why people should take the risks, make the effort, or face the uncertainty and the punishment that is involved in serious change. That's why every serious XOOPSTER is a reformist. If you're a serious XOOPSTER, you don't want a coup. You want changes to come from below, from the organized population. But why should people be willing to undertake what's involved in serious institutional change unless they think that the institutions don't permit them to achieve just and proper goals?"

Night all.

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.


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