Feichtl you are on my list of translators for german , thanks!
I will not send you the files yet because some changes will take place in it , and i want to send the files just once to all translators. Thanks for helping me with the translations!
Sabahan thanks for the tip, I was thinking about integrating the XOOPS groups to the yopgurt tribes , so you can create groups at the same time you create tribes. But this feature will come only with the version 4.0 next year :( Sorry for the bad news.
Funspanish, yes you ll be able to download it, but as it will be a beta version , I don t recomend it for production sites, only for tests. So the most recomended thing is to try to find something else for now and only use yogurt when it is stable :(
antifmradio: You ll have a copy very soon
And hope you can translate it to arab
Now some more news about the module:
I have adapted the xoopsmembers from ONO, to the yogurt so now you can serach for members using it. I just updated it to be functional with php5 too (works under php4 too) . I still have to adapt some things in it (as not show emails and things like that in the results page, only the username and a link to its profile, and also not alllowing to make a full search when not giving any parameters to the search, but i think this will be piece of cake)
Thanks to ONO for thi feature.