Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!

My flooring site was finally redone after being ripped off by another designer as some of you may or may not be aware of.

This new design is great! Many thanks to Aph3x for the complete site design and new theme.


I was always told XOOPS was very limited in design and thats why it has that blocky look, aphex proved that wrong.

Anyone in need of a theme visit http://www.aphexthemes.com for a great designer.

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!
  • 2007/10/14 6:12

  • Will_H

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1786

  • Since: 2004/10/10

Aphex, nice site man.

How many designers have ripped you off? Sounds like you had a hell of a hard time. Glad to see it finally worked out for you.

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!

Only one designer has ripped me off, myxoops did some good work for me to but yes i have had a hell of a time.

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!

Very nice job, Aphex!

Glad to see all worked out well for you in the end, Mike.

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!

text-align: justify; Doesn't do it any justice... Nice theme!

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!
  • 2007/10/14 16:48

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

very nice design. well done indeed. it will be added in the XOOPS portfolio.
perhaps you can add some space around the image to separate texts from them.
Do synergy or die.

Re: Finally! Here is a xoops site for you all!

I must say, this is the basic project....wait until aphex takes on the redesign of http://www.midwestwakeboarder.com ! I really believe that end result will truly showcase XOOPS capabilities. If more people designed with XOOPS like this, you wouldn't hear the comments of "joomla allows more creative design" blah blah.

I would also like to state that aphex didn't just do the theme, he had to reconstruct the website on my server from scratch due to the horrid job the former designer did.

To anyone who followed my (removed) posts on here about said designer, feel free to ask aphex if I was telling the truth about being ripped off.

Aphex is an asset to xoops.org, highly reccomended!


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