I'm using my spare hours to play a bit with xoops.
I have a clean install of the server, I added wf-download module without noticeable error but I cannot add a category.
The message I receive is :
This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.
You can provide the following information to the administrators of this site to help them solve the problem:
Error: Database Access Error: Please report this error to the WFSection Website:
INSERT INTO xoops_wfdownloads_cat (cid, pid, title, imgurl, description, summary, nohtml, nosmiley, noxcodes, noimages, nobreak, weight, spotlighttop, spotlighthis) VALUES ('', 0, 'test', '', 'fghfdgfsd', 'dgfsdggffdg', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', 0, 0)
Anybody had the same error?