My longest day ever
  • 2007/9/5 6:02

  • homergz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 80

  • Since: 2006/5/21

My afternoon started with calling the fire department about the fire that was burning near my home.

Me: I'm calling for information about the fire behind my house. Is it under control?

FD: There is only one structure threatened at this time.

Me: I am the only house around for twelve miles.

FD: Oh. You probably should evacuate.

Needless to say I gathered up what I needed and left when the fire department arrived. I wasn't permitted back until about 10pm this evening. The fire burned completely around the house with only a bit of smoke and heat damage but the structure is fine. The majority of the damage was to my solar power system but thankfully I have a backup generator. There is a half inch of soot on my internet satellite dish but it seems to work so far. Lots to clean tomorrow but I am thankful my house was saved.

Just needed to vent.

Re: My longest day ever

glad it came out alright for you. a lot of folk in Greece weren't half as lucky recently.

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: My longest day ever

glad you are alright.
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