Who BOMBED my website?

Alright xoopers: My website is GONE. I have not accessed any files, or changed ANYTHING exept to edit some text in a block, thats it!

Now, I have been having a MAJOR dispute with a XOOPS designer that has access to my admin, I hate to suspect foul play here but could anyone tell me why every single module has been wiped out of XOOPS and ALL of my content that I paid good money for is now GONE?

I make my living like this, and this is an absolute EMERGENCY if anyone is able to help.

Website in question: http://www.mikeshardwoodfloors.com

Contact me if able to help please!


Re: Who BOMBED my website?
  • 2007/8/25 21:32

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18


mjmurphy5371 wrote:
Alright xoopers: My website is GONE. I have not accessed any files, or changed ANYTHING exept to edit some text in a block, thats it!

Now, I have been having a MAJOR dispute with a XOOPS designer that has access to my admin, I hate to suspect foul play here but could anyone tell me why every single module has been wiped out of XOOPS and ALL of my content that I paid good money for is now GONE?

I make my living like this, and this is an absolute EMERGENCY if anyone is able to help.

If you read some of the forums before posting, you would see that several websites have been hacked. With all the information missing.

We are well aware of your dispute with a XOOPS designer. I can assure you that the dispute, and the web site being hacked are not related.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Who BOMBED my website?

^ I am learning that, why would someone want to hack a little flooring contractors website?

Thankfully (seriously) I have someone helping me out with this and it is very much appreciated. I make me meager living with work gained through this website.

Any suggestions as to how I should avoid this from happening again and should I be protecting my other XOOPS site as well?

Re: Who BOMBED my website?
  • 2007/8/25 22:40

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18


mjmurphy5371 wrote:
^ I am learning that, why would someone want to hack a little flooring contractors website?

They took out my Church site too. even I know better than to mess with the Church.

Thankfully (seriously) I have someone helping me out with this and it is very much appreciated. I make me meager living with work gained through this website.

Any suggestions as to how I should avoid this from happening again and should I be protecting my other XOOPS site as well?

We are still trying to figure out what happened. Stay tuned.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Who BOMBED my website?
  • 2007/8/25 23:05

  • ewonline

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 198

  • Since: 2004/11/17

Were you guys running protector (the module)?

Can you look in your database and see if the data and structure is still there? (use phpmyadmin or your control panel)

I can offer you (paid) services to restore your site (if you have backups or most of it is intact) and add additional layers of security. There are many things that can be done to make XOOPS more secure, especially since it hasn't been updated in ages. (I consider myself a XOOPS expert, and have been using XOOPS for 3+ years. See site in sig for example)
Resized Image

Re: Who BOMBED my website?

Thank god I am back online, thanks to some VERY generous anonymous soul from this message board.....talk about an instant dose of respect for the XOOPS community wow!

Re: Who BOMBED my website?
  • 2007/8/26 6:26

  • emjoven

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 23

  • Since: 2007/8/9 1

Good for you. one of my client's site was also hack. Maybe SQL injection, forgot to upgrade the protector module still using the old 2.+ version (stupid me).

Now I have upgraded all my protector modules to v3.1, I hope this will work and prevent those #OOPS#s from hacking my sites.

A new version is about to be release(2.0.17), I hope this will be a more secured XOOPS version.

Re: Who BOMBED my website?
  • 2007/8/26 7:32

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

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Just another timely reminder about using the Protector module............DO IT!!!

The latest versions of the module (3.04a and 3.13beta at time of writing) are available GIJoe's website.

Also available from that site is Madfish's excellent installation guide, and help on installation is always available from users on here.

Glad you're back online.

There are some sick people out there who (try to) hack sites regardless of content just for the fun (from their perspective) of it.

@everyone else:
To help secure your site, use the Protector module, use the latest version of both XOOPS itself and the modules, where possible use modules that are still being actively developed and make regular backups of the database.


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