Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 12:58

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

I needed a module to integrate an Amazon aStore into my XOOPS site, so after a lot of piddling about with various failed attempts to get it to integrate properly, I ended up putting this module together.

If anyone else also has need of this module, it is available from my website downloads section at http://www.petfinderonline.co.uk/

I have a working version in use called Pet Store on the navigation menu.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15


have you see our module used to sell books ?

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 13:43

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

I'm interested. Did you integrate the store widget, or do you pull dynamic data from your astore and put them on your site?


Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 14:26

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

Not sure, but you might want to have a look at the module affiliate.

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 19:20

  • awarrior

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2006/10/9

Hi All

Right 3 replies here.

1st:- Ron McDonald (did I get that right?)

This module will incorporate an external Amazon aStore within your XOOPS site framework .On your site Ron's Rov Links I noticed your 'ron's store' link, which is an Amazon aStore. but when you click the link it opens your aStore and closes your site. What this module will do is open the aStore within your site in the center frame, leaving your sites navigation and headers etc. in place.

2nd:- Herko

How it works. Build your aStore on Amazons site, then link it in via the module's admin. There are some basic instructions included with the module, including the actual link I use for my aStore, all you have to do is replace my link with yours and away you go.

3rd:- Instantzero

I think we're on different tracks in different directions, Your bookstore is a #OOPS# good module and is probably a better bet than trying to hack a version of oScommerce or Zencart into the XOOPS framework. But surely this is only for people who actually sell books or other products and not much good if you want and easy no brains way to incorporate an Amazon aStore.
I'm smarter than the average bear boo boo......

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15
  • 2007/8/3 22:52

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

1st:- Ron McDonald (did I get that right?) [b][color=FF0000]No[/color][/b]

This module will incorporate an external Amazon aStore within your XOOPS site framework.
On your site Ron's Rov Links I noticed your 'ron's store' linkwhich is an Amazon aStorebut when you click the link it opens your aStore and closes your site
What this module will do is open the aStore within your site in the center frameleaving your sites navigation and headers etcin place.

Sorry, but files for downloading the module 'affiliate' have never been published as far as I can see.

Amazon aStore gives you an 3 options for publishing your store:
- Simple link to store as a standalone site
- Embed store using an inline frame
- Embed store using a frameset
If you use the code of the second option in a block you can publish your aStore inside your website.

I think it is possible to modify an existing module like WF-Downloads, WebLinks, or WF-Links into an Amazone aStore module.
The XoopsTube module I use on my website is actually a modified version of the module WF-Links for publishing YouTube videoclips on my website.

Re: Amazon aStore module for 2.0.15


awarrior wrote:
3rd:- Instantzero

I think we're on different tracks in different directions, Your bookstore is a #OOPS# good module and is probably a better bet than trying to hack a version of oScommerce or Zencart into the XOOPS framework. But surely this is only for people who actually sell books or other products and not much good if you want and easy no brains way to incorporate an Amazon aStore.

I have tried
Good luck for your search.


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