Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)

Hi tutto,

Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)

Vorrei introdurre la sfida di Xoops, un concorso per progettare il luogo che poteste, in poco tempo periodo di XOOPS migliore. Lo scopo di questa sfida è dimostrare alla Comunità di XOOPS ed al pubblico quanto versatile questo CMS realmente è e come può essere adattato velocemente al raduno i bisogni di quasi tutto l'utente. C'inoltre sarà un piccolo premio dei contanti ($50.00 USD) ricevuto al vincitore di concorso!

Le regole di sfida di Xoops:

- Il concorso sarà tenuto la sera prossima di domenica, l'8 luglio, da 6:00 - 10:00 il PM EST. Ci saranno soltanto quattro (4) ore per completare la sfida.

Note di sfida di Xoops:

- Poiché questa è la prima sfida di Xoops, è molto una base di prova per le regole & le aspettative di concorso. Queste regole molto probabilmente cambieranno piuttosto come il concorso si evolve col tempo.

- A 6:00 il PM EST, tutti i partecipanti di sfida di XOOPS saranno forniti di una lima di .zip che contiene le istruzioni ed il soddisfare specifico di Web site (testo, immagini ed alcune istruzioni di base su che tema costruire il luogo intorno) per questa sfida particolare di Xoops. La sfida generale sarà di costruire il luogo di XOOPS “più freddo„ con questo soddisfare nel periodo di tempo specificato di 4 ore. “Da più freddo„, significo l'unione migliore del soddisfare del luogo, della funzionalità del luogo e dell'impiego possibile del luogo possibile. Siete liberi usare tutto il modulo o disegno di tema che vedete la misura per rendere al luogo migliore possibili intorno al soddisfare che li fornisco.

- Al rivestimento di concorso, a 10:00 il PM EST, tutti i partecipanti di concorso devono fornire i loro inizio attività di admin me da PM. Cambierò la parola d'accesso che stavano usando, che si accerteranno che non possano continuare ad aggiornare i loro Web site dopo che il concorso si chiuda.

- I Web site saranno giudicati sul disegno, sulla funzionalità e sulla facilità d'uso per l'utente. Uno scrutinio pubblico sarà generato, dove chiunque può votare sul loro Web site favorito generato in questo concorso durante 24 ore (10: 00 PM lunedì). I risultati da questo scrutinio saranno pubblicamente a disposizione per tutti per vedere.

- Un Web site ufficiale di concorso per questa sfida di XOOPS sarà installato presto. Qui le entrate in ogni sfida di XOOPS saranno archiviate e chiunque può commentare o valutazione i disegni presentati di Web site.

- Tutti i partecipanti alla sfida di XOOPS sono responsabili dell'ospitare i loro propri Web site durante il periodo della sfida. Il vostro luogo dell'entrata può essere in un dominio della radice, o può essere in un secondario-dispositivo di piegatura in qualche luogo… che non importa.

- Potete preinstallare XOOPS prima che il concorso cominci (base installa), ma dovete installare e modificare tutti i moduli che desiderate includere in seguito. Mentre potete anche usare tutto il codice o gli stili di css che avete generato in anticipo, non effettuare prego questi cambiamenti fino a che il concorso non cominci. E ricordar di, il punto del concorso è di dimostrare che cosa può essere fatto con XOOPS in un periodo di tempo corto e non inserire semplicemente un tema o una mascherina precodificato per impressionare la gente. Il vostro Web site inoltre non deve completamente essere rifinito all'estremità del timeframe di concorso per essere considerato o vincere il concorso.

- Tutti i partecipanti a tutta la sfida di XOOPS devono accosentiree per fornire qualunque lime del luogo usate nella loro entrata soddisfatta, di modo che altri possono imparare dal loro codice e tecniche. Tutti i partecipanti di concorso accosentiranno per avere loro lavoro disponibile trasferire per altri utenti di XOOPS per studiare da ed uso sotto l'autorizzazione di GPL. I vincitori di sfida di XOOPS devono anche accosentiree per rispondere ad una serie di domande scritte circa come hanno generato il loro luogo di XOOPS per ricevere il pagamento di vincita.

- Potete fornire la sfida di XOOPS in qualunque momento in su fino a 6:00 il PM EST sulla notte di sabato prima della sfida. È la mia speranza che una nuova sfida di XOOPS sarà tenuta ogni mese, allo stesso tempo (ogni seconda fine settimana).

- Il vincitore della sfida di Xoops, come determinato dal numero massimo dei voti nello scrutinio di sfida, riceverà $50.00 USD da PayPal (soltanto). Le ricompense finanziarie del *** possono aumentare di sfide future. ***

Se siete interessati nel partecipare a questa prima sfida di Xoops, inviare prego in questo filetto. Questo filetto è l'unico posto che potete entrare nella prima sfida di Xoops.

Se avete qualunque suggerimenti su come funzionare/organizzate la sfida di Xoops, inviarli prego qui pure, poichè prenderò tutte le idee in considerazione.

Vederli la notte prossima di domenica!



(Ho fatto alcuno pubblico a questo alberino per riflettere le domande fatte! Riferir sempre a questo alberino per le regole della sfida 1)
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)
  • 2007/7/2 9:02

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

Dear BlueStocking,

The repeated posts with the same subject could be characterized as spam. It would be better to host these translation in your server and post the link, or and better, send by E-mail the texts to the appropriate local support sites.
In any way, those who don not speak English, will never read this thread!

Re: The Xoops Challenge - Challenge #1
  • 2007/7/2 13:14

  • stefan88

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 1086

  • Since: 2004/9/20

Very good idea!

But may I suggest something - do it a 24 hour, in the weekend. Or some people will have to work from 2 to 6 in the night. Of course if it is international challenge ... Also do a voting for a week, so more people can vote.

I will change the password they were using, which will ensure that they cannot continue to update their web sites after the contest closes.

It still will be possible to update site with ftp/mysql access ...

And here are some questions:
-How about teams ...?
-Are core and module hack allowed (changing the code of the core/module, not just templates)?


Re: The Xoops Challenge - Challenge #1
  • 2007/7/2 14:41

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

What a grand idea

It may be too late now, however, it would great to have hosting company donate short term web space, in exchange for some preferred advertising. Maybe work into the rules where the hosting company's banner must be display on everyone home page, or something to that effect

Just a thought

No I am not entering.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)

I received a pm from the person that the arabic translation was intended for. He was basically in agreement with the spam comment however he did agree with what I was doing. (he read it on this site)

He understands that those who only speak English would view this as spam, while those who speak another language understand it as a way of showing we may all use enjoy a site that has the flags and language translator somewhere on the page.

It is through these flags I am able to communicate with someone in Arabic that understands no more English than I do Arabic.

This is the area I am working on.

Electronic translation, works in many cases.
We should use it.

With all the documentation going on and all the different languages involved, we need all the help we can get. Google translator could be very powerful.

Again, My opinion and what I am attempting to achieve, by pointing out the advantage of having one document available in all languages instead of having to repost in each language to let us all have the benefit of the knowledge and going on in foreign to us sites.

Give us that ability.
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)
  • 2007/7/2 19:16

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 263

  • Since: 2004/2/22

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your responses to this thread, and to my idea of the XOOPS Challenge.

As you can imagine, there are still many details to work out about how the contest should be run, how it should be judged etc. ***I am open to and would like to encourage your suggestions for any part of the Challenge contest.***

Here are some additional & changed details since my first post in this thread:


After some thought, I have decided that I will host all the sites that wish to partake in the XOOPS Challenge. All contest entrants will be provided with a subfolder off of my root domain (which will be announced shortly)in which to build their test site.

A fresh install of 2.0.16 will be set up in each account. If you wish to use the 2.x branch, please let me know when registering, and I will do this for you.

Site Modifications

The goal of the XOOPS Challenge is to create a XOOPS web site, with text and image content that is provided to you, that is the "best combination of theme design, site functionality and user-friendliness".

My hope is that the Challenge will inspire others with a showcase of fantastic XOOPS sites that be created in a short period of time. While there is no way for me to regulate if people use pre-created themes, templates or modules in their sites, I hope that the spirit of the contest, which is to create everything from scratch using only publicly available code/themes/templates/modules, is followed. You are of course allowed and encouraged to change these assets as much as you like in your contest web site.

(I'm just trying to discourage people here from simply installing a custom web site that they have spent weeks creating beforehand...as this contest is all about creating a great XOOPS site in a short time period. It is also a demonstration of how much a XOOPS site can be customized by a XOOPS expert in a short time period, with the knowledge and skills that they have acquired over time).


If you wish to enter the contest as a team effort (two or more developers working together in order to create the web site), you may do so.

I will create a separate category for web sites that were created by teams in which to be judged. There will be a separate cash prize of $50.OO USD for team entries.


While I initially suggested the timeframe of 6 - 10 pm EST on July 8th to be the Challenge time, I have decided to revise this time suggestion. This is because:

- We will be able to see better designs/sites with more time available.

- I would like to present a challenge that is as fair as possible to people from all around the world, in different time zones.

As of this writing, I am considering changing the timeframe in which the Challenge is held to be over a period of 48 hours...or, "over the weekend" of July 6-8. I realize that some parts of the world are before or ahead of others, so I will have to refine this idea somewhat. But that is the general idea...

***If anyone has any comments on this aspect of the challenge, or suggestions on which times specifically to start the challenge, in order to be fair to all, please post your comments here!***

I would also like to change the time period for when you can vote for your favorite site to be ONE week after the Challenge is finished. This will give everyone more time to vote and to review the sites involved.


As of this writing, the financial prize for winning the first XOOPS Challenge is $50.00 USD in each category, payable by Paypal only. There will be two Challenge categories,each which has a prize of $50.00 USD.

- One Category for a XOOPS web site created by a sole web developer.

-One Category for a XOOPS web site created by a team of web developers.

The total amount of prize money to be won in the first XOOPS Challenge, for both categories combined, is $100.00 USD.

The Challenge winners will post in this thread that they have received their prize money when the payment is received. (you need a valid Paypal account to get paid)

Depending on how the first Challenge works out, the financial reward may increase...I have some ideas on how this could be done, and will elaborate on them later.

There is no cost to join the XOOPS Challenge, and I will try to keep it this way.

Xoops Challenge Management / Decisions

I would like to just discreetly note that for the XOOPS Challenge, I (jeffgr) am the Big Boss Man... :) By this I mean, I have the final word on contest rules, web site entries and how the Challenge is run in general.

Please let me explain the above statement somewhat further... I have the final word in this contest simply because I want to run it in as efficient and rapid manner as possible...at this point, I don't want to get caught up in judging committees, or running every change to the contest rules by a management board of some sort. I am NOT saying that I will not graciously listen to and consider any Challenge suggestions that are made to me....in fact, I encourage your ideas, I'm sure they are better then mine in many regards. I just don't want to get caught up in any more red tape then is necessary for this Challenge, as I don't think it is really needed, at this time at least. So please don't bristle at the above statement... :)

Other General Notes

- No adult content of any kind is allowed on your entry sites.

- The admin logins to your sites will be changed when the contest is over. You can still make changes to your site at a later point, but you will have to contact me about this to make arrangements (this is for security reasons, etc.)

- There will have to be a minimum of 20 Challenge entrants for the XOOPS Challenge to proceed with the financial reward. (Does everyone think this is fair?... let me know otherwise..)

That's all for now! More comments & Challenge rules may follow as the week progresses, as ideas get refined. Check this thread, and my posts in this thread, for the final word on everything.



PS, thank you BlueStocking for your translations.

Re: Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)

I think this is wonderful, especially if it is going to be international.

Are the local support site recieving the updated information so that they may compete also.

The size of the carrot at the end of the stick isn't very important to me, at this time my joy comes from being to see international participation.

Thanks for the revision.


- There will have to be a minimum of 20 Challenge entrants for the XOOPS Challenge to proceed with the financial reward. (Does everyone think this is fair?... let me know otherwise..)

Sounds very fair to me.
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Chi è in su per una sfida di divertimento?!? :)
  • 2007/7/3 6:36

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

No, I dont mind being kicked in the kids.....

I offerd space, from my server, and 2 domain names
with more the enuff space to make any XOOPS site or XOOPS fan go crazy, with no strings attached.

and what do I read?


After some thought, I have decided that I will host all the sites that wish to partake in the XOOPS Challenge. All contest entrants will be provided with a subfolder off of my root domain (which will be announced shortly)in which to build their test site.

A fresh install of 2.0.16 will be set up in each account. If you wish to use the 2.x branch, please let me know when registering, and I will do this for you.

Thats not a good idea, sence any one can access your root and destroy your hard work.

Best of luck


Re: The Xoops Challenge - Challenge #1
  • 2007/7/3 14:39

  • aljiffry

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2007/4/12

It is agood idea but the time is not good for me it means the context will begin at 2 or 3 am in my country.
I suggest to divviser the 24 hour to be mor than on one time for the context and the people who join a period do not join any else.

Re: TO: aljiffry on 2007/7/3 9:39:20

by aljiffry on 2007/7/3 9:39:20


It is a good idea but the time is not good for me it means the contest will begin at 2 or 3 am in my country.

I suggest to allow the 24 hour to be more than on one time frame for the contest and the people who join a particular period do not join any else.

هاي الجميع ،

Thanks for your responses to this thread, and to my idea of the XOOPS Challenge.الشكر لردودكم على هذا الخيط ، وعلى فكرتي من كووبس التحدي.

As you can imagine, there are still many details to work out about how the contest should be run, how it should be judged etc. ***I am open to and would like to encourage your suggestions for any part of the Challenge contest.***كما يمكن ان تتخيلوا ، ما زالت هناك العديد من التفاصيل حول كيفية العمل بها المسابقة يجب أن تسير ، وكيف ينبغي ان يحكم الخ *** أنا منفتح على اي واود ان اشجع اقتراحاتكم عن اي جزء من التحدي مسابقة ***.

Here are some additional & changed details since my first post in this thread:وهنا بعض التفاصيل الاضافيه & يتغير منذ لقائي الاول بعد في هذا الخيط :


After some thought, I have decided that I will host all the sites that wish to partake in the XOOPS Challenge.بعد شيء من التفكير ، فقد قررت ان أقوم استضافة جميع المواقع التي ترغب في المشاركة في كووبس التحدي. All contest entrants will be provided with a subfolder off of my root domain (which will be announced shortly)in which to build their test site.جميع مسابقة منضمين تزويدها سوبفولدير من بلدي المجال الجذريه (التي سيعلن عنها قريبا) لبناء موقع التجارب.

A fresh install of 2.0.16 will be set up in each account.جديدة لتركيب 2.0.16 ستقام في كل حساب. If you wish to use the 2.x branch, please let me know when registering, and I will do this for you.اذا كنت ترغب في استخدام 2.x فرع الرجاء ابلاغي عند التسجيل ، وسافعل ذلك لك.

Site Modificationsموقع التعديلات

The goal of the XOOPS Challenge is to create a XOOPS web site, with text and image content that is provided to you, that is the "best combination of theme design, site functionality and user-friendliness".الهدف من كووبس التحدي هو ايجاد كووبس الموقع ، مع نص ومضمون الصورة التي قدمت لكم ، وهذا هو "افضل مزيج من موضوع تصميم الموقع وظيفة وسهولة استخدامها".

My hope is that the Challenge will inspire others with a showcase of fantastic XOOPS sites that be created in a short period of time.واملي هو ان التحدي سوف يلهم الآخرين مثالا رائعا للكووبس المواقع التي تنشأ في فترة قصيرة من الزمن. While there is no way for me to regulate if people use pre-created themes, templates or modules in their sites, I hope that the spirit of the contest, which is to create everything from scratch using only publicly available code/themes/templates/modules, is followed.بينما لا توجد طريقة في نظري لتنظيم استخدام الناس اذا قبل خلق نماذج المواضيع ، أو وحدات في كل مواقعهم ، فانني آمل ان روح المسابقة ، وهو خلق كل شيء من الصفر باستخدام سوى جمهور مدونة / المواضيع / النماذج / نماذج ، يليها. You are of course allowed and encouraged to change these assets as much as you like in your contest web site.أنت بالطبع سمح وشجع على تغيير هذه الاصول ما شئتم في بلدكم موقع المسابقة.

(I'm just trying to discourage people here from simply installing a custom web site that they have spent weeks creating beforehand...as this contest is all about creating a great XOOPS site in a short time period. It is also a demonstration of how much a XOOPS site can be customized by a XOOPS expert in a short time period, with the knowledge and skills that they have acquired over time).(أنا مجرد محاولة لثني الناس هنا من مجرد تركيب عرف الموقع انهم قضوا الاسابيع خلق مسبقا... هذه المسابقة هو كل شيء عن خلق عظيم كووبس الموقع في فترة زمنيه قصيرة. وهو ايضا دليل على مدى كووبس اي موقع يمكن تفصيلها كووبس من الخبراء في فترة زمنيه قصيرة ، مع المعارف والمهارات التى اكتسبوها على مر الزمن).


If you wish to enter the contest as a team effort (two or more developers working together in order to create the web site), you may do so.اذا كنت ترغب في دخول المسابقة فريق الجهد (مطوري اثنين أو أكثر معا من أجل ايجاد موقع) ، بوسعك ان تفعل ذلك.

I will create a separate category for web sites that were created by teams in which to be judged.ساقوم بانشاء فئة منفصلة لمواقع الانترنت التي انشأتها فرق فيها على ضوئها. There will be a separate cash prize of $50.OO USD for team entries.ستكون هناك جائزة نقديه مستقلة 50.وو دولار من دولارات الولايات المتحدة لدخول الفريق.


While I initially suggested the timeframe of 6 - 10 pm EST on July 8th to be the Challenge time, I have decided to revise this time suggestion.وبينما كنت في البداية اقترح مهلة 6 - 10 تموز الساعة الثامنة حول التكنولوجيات السليمه بيئيا لتحدي الزمن ، فقد قررت اعادة النظر في هذه المرة الاقتراح. This is because:وذلك لأن :

- We will be able to see better designs/sites with more time available.- سنكون قادرين على رؤية افضل التصاميم / مواقع اكثر من الوقت المتاح.

- I would like to present a challenge that is as fair as possible to people from all around the world, in different time zones.- أود أن أعرض هذا هو التحدي عادلة قدر الامكان لاشخاص من جميع انحاء العالم ، في مناطق زمنيه مختلفة.

As of this writing, I am considering changing the timeframe in which the Challenge is held to be over a period of 48 hours...or, "over the weekend" of July 6-8.وحتى وقت كتابة هذا التقرير ، فانني اعتبر تغيير الاطار الزمني الذي يتمثل التحدي الذي عقد على مدى فترة 48 ساعة ، أو... "خلال عطلة نهاية الاسبوع" تموز 6-8. I realize that some parts of the world are before or ahead of others, so I will have to refine this idea somewhat.انني ادرك ان بعض الأجزاء من العالم قبل أو أمام الآخرين ، فإنني بحاجة الى صقل هذه الفكره الى حد ما. But that is the general idea...الا ان الفكره العامة...

***If anyone has any comments on this aspect of the challenge, or suggestions on which times specifically to start the challenge, in order to be fair to all, please post your comments here!****** اذا كان اي شخص لديه اي تعليقات على هذا الجانب من التحدي ، او الاقتراحات التي تايمز تحديدا لبدء التحدي ، ولكي تكون عادلة للجميع ، يرجى بعد تعليقاتكم هنا! ***

I would also like to change the time period for when you can vote for your favorite site to be ONE week after the Challenge is finished.واود ايضا ان تغيير الفترة الزمنية عندما يمكنك التصويت لبلدكم الموقع المفضل ان تكون بعد اسبوع من التحدي قد انتهى. This will give everyone more time to vote and to review the sites involved.هذا سيعطي الجميع الى مزيد من الوقت للتصويت ، واستعراض المواقع المعنية.


As of this writing, the financial prize for winning the first XOOPS Challenge is $50.00 USD in each category, payable by Paypal only.وحتى وقت كتابة هذا التقرير ، للفوز بالجاءزه المالية الاولى كووبس التحدي هو قدره 50.00 دولارا في كل فئة ، تدفعه بايبال فقط. There will be two Challenge categories,each which has a prize of $50.00 USD.وسيكون هناك نوعان من التحدي ، كل الفئات التي لها جائزة قدرها 50.00 دولارا.

- One Category for a XOOPS web site created by a sole web developer.- فئة واحدة لكووبس الموقع الوحيد الذي ينشئه موقع مطور.

-One Category for a XOOPS web site created by a team of web developers.- فئة واحدة لكووبس الموقع انشئ فريق من موقع مطور.

The total amount of prize money to be won in the first XOOPS Challenge, for both categories combined, is $100.00 USD.مجموع جوائزها ان فاز في اول كووبس التحدي ، لكلتا الفئتين معا ، بمبلغ 100.00 دولارا.

The Challenge winners will post in this thread that they have received their prize money when the payment is received.التحدي الفائزين سننشره في هذا الخيط انهم حصلوا على جوائزها عندما تلقى الدفعه. (you need a valid Paypal account to get paid)(صحيح انت في حاجة الى حساب بايبال اجورنا)

Depending on how the first Challenge works out, the financial reward may increase...I have some ideas on how this could be done, and will elaborate on them later.يتوقف على كيفية التحدي الأول يعمل بها ، ومكافاه مالية قد تزيد... لدي بعض الافكار عن الكيفيه التي يمكن ان يتم بها ذلك ، وسوف اتوسع فيها لاحقا.

There is no cost to join the XOOPS Challenge, and I will try to keep it this way.لا توجد تكلفة الانضمام الى كووبس التحدي ، وسأحاول ان تحافظ على ذلك.

Xoops Challenge Management / Decisionsكووبس تحدي الإدارة / مقررات

I would like to just discreetly note that for the XOOPS Challenge, I (jeffgr) am the Big Boss Man...اود فقط الكتمان علما بأن لكووبس التحدي الأول (جيفغر) الساعة الكبيرة بوس رجل... :) By this I mean, I have the final word on contest rules, web site entries and how the Challenge is run in general.: (اعني بذلك ، وعندي كلمة أخيرة عن قواعد المسابقة ، موقع دخول ويتمثل التحدي في كيفية ادارة عامة.

Please let me explain the above statement somewhat further...اسمحوا لي ان اشرح ما سبق بيان حد... I have the final word in this contest simply because I want to run it in as efficient and rapid manner as possible...at this point, I don't want to get caught up in judging committees, or running every change to the contest rules by a management board of some sort.عندي كلمة أخيرة في هذه المسابقة ببساطة لأنني أريد لاداراتها في فعالية وسرعة قدر الامكان... عند هذه النقطه ، فانني لا أريد أن نتوه في الحكم ، او لجان ادارة كل تغيير لقواعد المسابقة قبل مجلس ادارة من نوع ما. I am NOT saying that I will not graciously listen to and consider any Challenge suggestions that are made to me....in fact, I encourage your ideas, I'm sure they are better then mine in many regards.انا لا اقول انني لن تفضل الاستماع الى النظر في أي طعن والاقتراحات التي قدمت لي... في الحقيقة ، أشجع أفكارك ، وأنا على يقين أنها أفضل ثم الالغام في العديد من النواحي. I just don't want to get caught up in any more red tape then is necessary for this Challenge, as I don't think it is really needed, at this time at least.ولكني لا اريد ان نتوه في اي اكثر من الروتين ثم امر ضروري لهذا التحدي ، حيث لا اعتقد ان من الضروري حقا ، في هذا الوقت على الاقل. So please don't bristle at the above statement...لذلك ارجو الا الشعر الخشن في البيان المذكور اعلاه... :):)

Other General Notesالملاحظات العامة الاخرى

- No adult content of any kind is allowed on your entry sites.- لا الكبار محتوى أي نوع لا يسمح لكم الدخول على الانترنت.

- The admin logins to your sites will be changed when the contest is over.- الادارة يتصل على رسالتكم المواقع سيتم تغيير عند المسابقة انتهت. You can still make changes to your site at a later point, but you will have to contact me about this to make arrangements (this is for security reasons, etc.)مازال بامكانكم ادخال تغييرات على موقعكم في مرحلة لاحقة ، ولكن لن يكون لكم في الاتصال بي عن هذا القيام بالترتيبات (وهذا هو لأسباب أمنية ، الخ)

- There will have to be a minimum of 20 Challenge entrants for the XOOPS Challenge to proceed with the financial reward.- لا بد من حد ادنى من 20 تحديا للوافدين كووبس التحدي على المضي في مكافاه مالية. (Does everyone think this is fair?... let me know otherwise..)(هل الجميع اعتقد ان هذا هو عادل؟ ... تعلموني خلاف..)

That's all for now!هذا كل الآن! More comments & Challenge rules may follow as the week progresses, as ideas get refined.أكثر التعليقات & التحدي ان تتبع قواعد النحو الاسبوع ، كما تقدم افكارا تحصل المكرره. Check this thread, and my posts in this thread, for the final word on everything.تأكد من هذه الخيوط ، ويود الوظائف في هذا الخيط ، الكلمه الاخيرة في كل شيء.

Cheers,الهتافات ،

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