LooooL....the code still was in CBB!
Thanks you so much Bender!
And now I'll give my contribute....
If you add quote bottom when you see a topic, you should want delete "quote" bottom in "reply form".
Just remove lines from 272 to 279 in newbb/include/forumform.inc.php
Lines to be removed:
272 if ( !empty($isreply) && !empty($hidden) ) {
273 $forum_form->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('hidden', $hidden));
275 $quote_button = new XoopsFormButton('', 'quote', _MD_QUOTE, 'button');
276 $quote_button->setExtra("onclick='xoopsGetElementById("message").value=xoopsGetElementById("message").value+ xoopsGetElementById("hidden").value;xoopsGetElementById("hidden").value="";'");
277 $quote_button->setExtra("tabindex='4'");
278 $button_tray->addElement($quote_button);
279 }