I’ve decided to attempt a feat will demonstrate how easy it is to customize XOOPS with just a little bit of XHTML/CSS/SMARTY knowledge and a little bit of creativity.
The Objective
I’m going to create 30 designs in 30 days covering a wide range of topics. There will be only 1 Generic template (i.e.: suitable for a wide range of applications). This 1 Generic template will serve as the framework that I build the remaining 29 themes from. All other themes will be designed with a particular niche in mind. Here are the topics that I intend to cover with this project:
1. Agriculture
2. Americana
3. Art
4. Automotive
5. Books
6. Business
7. Celebrities
8. Computers
9. Family
10. Food & Drink
11. Gaming
12. Generic
13. Humor
14. Kids
15. Movies
16. Music
17. Nature
18. News
19. Outer Space
20. Photography
21. Politics
22. Programming
23. Romance
24. Science
25. Society
26. Sports
27. Technology
28. Urban Life
29. Weddings
30. Writing
The requirements
Aside from producing 30 designs in 30 days, there are additional requirements to this project that are meant to illustrate the ease of which you can customize XOOPS. The first requirement is that the current “Default” XOOPS theme be used as the basis for the Generic framework theme. The limitation is that any XHTML/CSS/SMARTY modifications must be achievable by the average XOOPS user. In other words, very little XHTML/SMARTY will change. Most of the changes will be made in CSS and by replacing graphics. The second requirement is that all themes must pass basic XTHML 1.0 Transitional and CSS Level 2 compliance. While I would also like to add table-less and accessible to this list, I realize that the average XOOPS user would not be able to duplicate such standards easily. The whole point of this project is to show what you can do with the look of your XOOPS site in a few hours.
In order to give myself a little time to clear my mind and prepare for this challenge, I’ve given myself until Monday, February 12th to produce the first theme, which will be the Generic framework theme. From that day on, I will release one new theme every day for 30 days straight.
I hope you enjoy the results of this challenge.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.