something wrong with PHP session
  • 2007/1/30 8:27

  • cyborgjeff

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2007/1/30


i'm a belgian user of XOOPS (from FR. communauty) but my problem could maybe find here more sollution, cause it seems to be due to my american hoster : Brinkster.

Brinkster user : PHP5 and Mysql5.
i use XOOPS : 2.0.16
i use I.E.7

well here is the problem, when i am connecting to my fresh installation of Xoops, i'll be quickly disconnected (few seconds) from the administration and go back to un unregistred user.

i didn't have this problem during installation or the first operations i've done in the administration.

in Firefox i don't have any problem.
with same web browser and using other XOOPS website i've made on other host, i don't have this problem.

someone have an idea, where i should focus to solve this problem?

Re: something wrong with PHP session
  • 2007/1/30 14:43

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Try clearing your cache folder and templates_c folders. You may have uploaded bad cache to the new server.
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: something wrong with PHP session
  • 2007/1/30 16:02

  • cyborgjeff

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2007/1/30

still don't work ;(

Re: something wrong with PHP session
  • 2007/2/6 21:28

  • rpilney

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/1/25

I have had strange issues with IE7 myself. One thing I did was change my session settings and made sure all my cache settings were off, deleted all my temp filse and cookies from my browser and logged myself off then back on. Some of my users had the same issue you describe. Once I had them do the steps above with their browser, log in then out they were ok again. Not sure if this will help but I am trying to make posts and suggestions where I have had similar issues.

Good luck.

PS try loading ie6 and see if that will work if none of the above does. I also had to change my default theme to allow IE 7 users access.


cyborgjeff wrote:

i'm a belgian user of XOOPS (from FR. communauty) but my problem could maybe find here more sollution, cause it seems to be due to my american hoster : Brinkster.

Brinkster user : PHP5 and Mysql5.
i use XOOPS : 2.0.16
i use I.E.7

well here is the problem, when i am connecting to my fresh installation of Xoops, i'll be quickly disconnected (few seconds) from the administration and go back to un unregistred user.

i didn't have this problem during installation or the first operations i've done in the administration.

in Firefox i don't have any problem.
with same web browser and using other XOOPS website i've made on other host, i don't have this problem.

someone have an idea, where i should focus to solve this problem?


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