After spending a few days trying to figure out why the social bookmarking feature of the new News module release (1.51) wasn't working, I finally realized it was the theme I was using (Zeta Reticuli and Morphogenesis and variants based on those). Both those themes, and many new themes being released are making use of template overrides.
For other users updating or adding modules - know what template overrides are part of the theme you are using (look in /themes/YOUR_THEME/modules/). Switch to one of the default XOOPS themes (default, x2t, or phpkaox) to see if that solves your problems. Follow all the other recommendations for clearing templates_c and updating your templates.
For theme developers - please explicitly state what template overrides you are using and which module version(s) are the basis for your templates.
For core developers - how will the new system admin area inform users which template is in use? Viewing the template in System Admin > Templates only shows the templates added by the modules, not those modified by the themes. Even Gijoe's tpladmin module does not assist in this. Consideration must be given to this, which is part of the core, not a hack introduced by theme developers or module developers.
Sorry if this seems like a rant, but I am hoping to improve the user experiences with XOOPS and eliminate any frustration others might have in similar situations.