I am starting to worry about your physchic abilities Dave! First you are able to recall degrees of customisation conducted on a site from ages ago, and then you realise that I'm doing a complete overall with nothing more than a mention of a system upgrade and some blocks movement!....or have you read the 'site closed' message
Yes, you are correct - I am doing an overhaul. Applyinmg upgrades to core, modules, and installing a few new one's (except it seems some need PHP5 which we do not run on our server).
I am using an old theme called 'doggie' - stop sniggering! To my knowledge, it has not been updated. But I will have a look.
I would like to use a new theme, but Lost-Doggies has become quite well known with it's 'family fun' styled dog theme. Would be a shame to change it. A corporate theme would not suit it's intended purpose.