I'm replying to myself to the first part of the problem to share with everyone... but if somebody can help on the second part I would very much appreciate:
On increasing title length in comment_form
On line 53 of /include/comment_new.php, the function takes the first only 56 characters of the title. To fix the problem of truncated titles in comment forms, just increase that value to an higher value.
Not solved:
With Xlanguage 3.01 and News 1.50 the full title message is displayed in multiple languages with all language tags in the Post Comments Title text field.
Can this be solved so it only displays the chosen language title without the tags?
Not solved 2:
If the first question cannot be solved, is there a way to block a user from being able to edit the Post Comments Title text field?
I have been trying to edit include/comment_form.php
to modify
$cform->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_CM_TITLE, 'com_title', 50, 255, $com_title), true);
$cform->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel(_CM_TITLE, $com_title), true);
The non editable title appears in the form, but as soon as you post your comment, the title is no longer appearing!
I've also tried through XoopsFormHidden, without result.
If somebody could help me, detailing the actions to take to solve this problem, I would very much appreciate.
I am surprised that nobody posted about this before as I think one of the great assets of XOOPS is the ability to post comments... and it would be sad not having this feature working properly when using XLanguage.