This is what he wants done, I haven't the clue...
2. Expand the XoopsGallery2 module in the modules area and change to a name of your choice.
(new feature initally it is xg2.1 but you can rename it to anything you like,
except pre-existing names, duh)
a. This is done like every other installed module (dont initalize yet)
b. Module in place. Time to initialize components... but...
3. Prior to initializing Gallery2 create a directory for the gallery data.
a. It is highly recommended that the directory be *outside* the website root
b. Directory location example (*nix/*bsd):
i. /server/html/ <-- server root
ii. /server/xg2data <-- suggested location for gallery data
iii. Can be anywhere you want, really!
c. Make the data storage directory accessible by the web server group
d. Example (*nix/*bsd):
i. Web server group is called 'apache'
ii. Your name is 'user'
iii. chown -R user:apache /server/xg2data
iv. chmod 774 /server/xg2data/*
e. Gallery2 data directory is setup
4. Initialize Gallery2.
a. Go to b. Follow the instructions!
c. You will need to upload an authorization text file to the gallery2 (aka engine) directory
i. /server/path/to/html/modules/yourgalleryname/engine
d. You will need to make the empty engine/config.php file writable by the webserver.
i. change permissions to 777 for config.php or at least 666 for write ability.
e. If you are not using the existing XOOPS database, you will need to have one ready prior to the Gallery2 initialization
i. you will need hostname (localhost if on same server), database name, user access name and password.
e. Follow the Gallery2 install instructions, they work!
i. the files are correct to version 2.1 RC2a but you may see 18 "issues".
f. Gallery 2 is installed.
5. Initialize XoopsGallery2 module
a. Like any XOOPS module (If you dont know, you aren't ready for this alpha)
i. go to administration section and initilize the module
ii. change the prefferences to fit your server settings (My guesses should be correct, *should*)
iii. create at least the main menu block to show up on the gallery page.
iv. go to the admin menu of the gallery module and click on the Export me link
v. done.
6. Go to the XoopsGallery2 module and see if you can admin the gallery.
a. I suggest useing the XOOPS theme, not perfect but works for me. Also. edit the gallery2 XOOPS theme to suit your needs.
b. If so then you have the option of changing the /module/yourgalleryname/engine/config.php file to be a embed only install
c. This is recommended after everything works the way you want.
d. If something doesnt work correctly, you can login to gallery2 directly (if you didn't follow b above)