No - none of those are present either.
Just noticed that in the CBB Upgrade guide referenced in 1st post, it says
"To make the editors Kiovi and FCK work you will need to allow html in your module preferences." - could it be that, and if so, where is the setting? I've gone to CBB Preferences and there is no such option??
Could it be anything to do with the path values in preferences.php seeing as it does look like a malformed URL reference :
$current_path = __FILE__;
if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != "/" ) $current_path = str_replace( strpos( $current_path, "\\", 2 ) ? "\\" : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $current_path);
define("_XK_P_PATH", substr(dirname($current_path), strlen(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH)));
I thought that Skenow's suggestion that he writes
here might have worked where he suggests changing line :
include_once '../../../../mainfile.php';
include_once .'/../../../mainfile.php');
but nope, that has not worked either!!
Getting really fed up with this now!!! Everyone else just seem to get Koivi working with a click of the fingers, but not me!