Problem changing news template [SOLVED]
  • 2006/12/17 20:43

  • Xerelo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2006/12/15

I'm checking the news module 1.5 in a local server, on 2.0.16 XOOPS version.

I was proving the block that allows you to send news to digg, delicious... I`m not english speaker, and i wanted to add other sites like digg but in my language. I founded the file news_article.html in ../news/template/ whith the following code


I tryed to add a new site addíng other tag, but when i prove the changes, nothing was different. There was the same sites as the beggining. Then i desinstalled and installed the module, with my changed news_article.html, but the result was the same. Finally, i deleted the news_article.html, desinstalled the module and installed again, and nothing crash, all works correctly then i suppossed that this file isn´t the one that i have to change. How can i do to add more sites to this block?

I forgot to say that i haven´t active the XOOPS cache and i clear the navigator cache to try.

Thanks, and excuse my english.

Re: Problem changing news template
  • 2006/12/17 21:59

  • christian

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 401

  • Since: 2002/2/24


You can read this FAQ or this article.


Re: Problem changing news template
  • 2006/12/17 23:58

  • Xerelo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2006/12/15

I read it, but it doesn't work to me.

I do this

1) Go to Xoops\modules\news\templates and take news_article.html (I don't delete the original file)

2) Change the file

3) Go to Xoops\themes\default\modules\news\templates and put the changed file in

4)Delete all the files in Xoops\templates_c except index.html

And doesn't work!

what am i doing bad?

Re: Problem changing news template
  • 2006/12/18 1:01

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

It is because the path is wrong of where you have set the template that it doesn't work:

you have this: Xoops\themes\default\modules\news\templates

It will work if you set it up like this:


so if it were the news_article.html template it would be like this:


You do not include the templates folder when inserting the new template in the theme folder.

Re: Problem changing news template
  • 2006/12/18 19:19

  • Xerelo

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2006/12/15

Template directory or not template directory, that was the questions.

Thanks, i don`t include the template directory and it wors fine.


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