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I am trying to edit a module template so I went to my admin area clicked on system>templates. I then went to the template I wanted to edit and made the changes I needed but all I have is a preview button. I then clecked on preview thinking there might be a save option and there wasn\'t. Should there be one? I then went to the module itself and made the changes to the file via ftp cleared the templates_c folder and updated the module. Still no change. What am I doing wrong? Why can\'t I edit the default template?
In order to edit your templates you must first clone the one that you´re using.

Do this via admin>system>templates>clone.

Question and answer taken from this thread.

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 Ok, it's cloned, and now?

I still only have a preview option when editing a template trough my ACP...

Do I need to select the new template set in prefrences?

Do I need to upload files directly?



 Re: Ok, it's cloned, and now?

Yes, System Admin - Preferences - General Settings, 10th setting down "Default template set" choose your clone from the dropdown list.


 Re: Ok, it's cloned, and now?

Are there any plans to implement a more full featured template system? The ability to clean up old templates no longer used, overwrite a clone (as long as it wasn't currently the default or the actual default set), and the ability to actually update specific block/page templates for specific modules would be most beneficial. Unless there's already a hack for this somewhere....



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