@ Dugris:
Are you sure the commands for OnlineByModule are correct?:
<{OnlineByModule assign=online_by_module}> foreach ($online_by_module as $bymodule ) { echo $bymodule [‘module’] ; // return the module name echo $bymodule [‘counter’] ; // Return the number of visitor for module}
<{OnlineByModule length=15 modules="news|mydownload|formulaire|edito" assign=info_by_module}> foreach ($info_by_module as $bymodule ) { echo $bymodule [‘module’] ; // return the module name echo $bymodule [‘counter’] ; // Return the number of visitor for module}
Because this turns out into nothing but that code above. NO results.
As far as I can see there is php code in it, which gives problems within a template.html. Are there some smartytags are missing?
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