i just use with a simple Quickhack "Lightweight-Ajax" in XOOPS in the following way:
make two copies of the default theme ->
1. default (will be the switch)
2. empty (will render only what you want)
3. normal (the default layout)
the default/theme.html has the following content (Switch):
if ($GLOBALS['empty_theme'] == true) {
} else {
$this->assign('themename', $theme.'/theme.html');
$this->assign('xoops_theme', $theme);
$this->assign('xoops_themecss', XOOPS_URL.'/themes/'.$theme.'/style.css');
$this->assign('xoops_imageurl', XOOPS_URL.'/themes/'.$theme.'/');
<{include file="$themename"}>
the empty/theme.html must have only the following line:
Now i use a simple AJAX-Request to generate parts of HTML and put this with innerhtml to the right place.
The called script only needs now the variable:
$empty_theme = true;
so the default-Theme will use the empty one. Thats it.
...until the right AJAX-Version will come