MS dana was sending you in the right direction - there is no one aswer to this depending on what it is you want to do with the site -
How can I fill up my Home-menu?
If you mean your site menu which is on the left hand side everytime you install a module that is activated for users you will find it appears in your site menu. This will depend on the groups and who has access. As webmaster you will set yourself to have access to everything. But you can restrict who sees what through the groups admin of your site.
If you are talking about the content of your main page this depends on which modules or blocks you wish to have appear there. There are two approaches - the most common is to set either news or another article module as the start page. This is doen through the admin site preferences. once you have doen this you then need to go to your 'blocks' setup and turn on and position the blocks that you wish to have visible on this page.
The second approach is to go directly to the blocks page and create custom blocks. I would not recomend this for you yet until you are more familiar with how XOOPS works.
Now if you still don;t understand plase take the time to do a little background research. Get the visual introduction to XOOPS and XOOPS administration manual from the XOOPS documentation website for starters.
New users should always checkout the following:
1. Documentation - linked on the left. Specifically the administration manual
2. The FAQ section - linked on the left - specifically the sections on gloassry, beginners first steps, modules, blocks and themes. There are links to visual tutorials here.
3. The search function on the top right.
Please check also the read B4U post link below if you have problems.
For Visual tutorials please go