I'm here to post my support for the work Bender, Jensclass, Davidl2, bluenova and some others are putting in to keep this community alive and kicking. They're the ones who actually stepped up to do the dirty work, and yes, some of it really is dirty work.
I challenge each and every one of you to manage an active and international community such as this one: monitor and moderate the forums for spammers, bad language, unwanted behaviour, review all news submissions, ripe and green mixed all together, monitor download and link submissions, edit FAQ posts and requetsts, and
still find the time, energy and decency to do as much as humanly possile to provide kind and friendly help and support for each and every one.
I thought so. No takers eh? Yeah.
Now, I am appalled to read that people jump to the worse kind of conclusions, read only what they feel supports those conclusions, and then have the nerve to generalise and label this whole community as dictatorship. I've seen less friendly desriptions before, but even so, if Bender is a dictator, what does that make you?? Think about that.
A disgusted herko