So i uh had this dream.. No not like.. One of those.. speeches of what i see the future as (maybe later).
well i'll just go straight to the point.
» why are the img, url, code,... tags case sensitive.. we should change that.
» im also wishing that this code gets changed. or some discussion about it.
Linky Linky--=here im getting a bit off topic with the whole adding more bb codes to core idea =--
» i also had an idea about a news bbcode [news id=##]um.. i dont know what could be put in here yet.[/news] (it would grab the storyid ## from the database and display the usual stuff. author, article, and the links. (but then there would have to be a way to limit the use of this code to a certain group.)
» i was also thinking of some BBCode Manager but dang that was one weird dream i had. it was like when they were hacking the gibson in hackers'
-- i saw a blinking file caled plugins..
in plugins there are files like bb_code.php, bb_url.php, bb_news.php, bb_code.gif.. etc..
-- a module. would check this plugins folder if there are any files in there.. then it would check the format.. so a bad file wont kill the module.. and by activating the plugin. it would include code in the functions in the bb_???,php file. and another function for the image for the button in the editor.
-- so how would the system know about these changes.... maybe a setting to enable external bbcode manager. (this i havent thought out thoroughly yet)..
-- and the module.textsanitizer file would have code that would include the file/instructions for the bbcode replacement .. that is stored in the .. database? a file?.. and if using regular bbcode.. then it would just do the normal codes that are already in there. .. the same goes with the editor buttons.
-- the java script file.. i dont know about...xoops_js and <{$xoops_module_header}>,, but it gotta be put in ther somehow.