How to extract a block from a module and make it render inside the theme.html?
  • 2006/8/31 1:37

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

The idea is that I want to use the Marquee module, only that I don't want to position the marquee (the block) using the admin of blocks.

I want, if there is a way, to get the code (of the block) and put it where I want somewhere on top of the header inside the theme.html. Does anyone know if this could be done? or a pattern of the code I can use in my theme to render this?

I tried:
<{include file="$xoops_url/modules/marquee/templates/blocks/marquee_block01.html"}>

but I guess it was too naive of me to think it could work so easily cause that didn't work

Re: How to extract a block from a module and make it render inside the theme.html?
  • 2006/8/31 8:55

  • xuser

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 73

  • Since: 2002/11/26

you should look into the xoopsversion.php within the module dir. remember the block's show_func and template

then , in your php file, add such code
$block $show_func(param);

finally add the template's source into your theme.html as ur will

if the smarty variable "block" is confilcted with others, your can change them.

Re: How to extract a block from a module and make it render inside the theme.html?
  • 2006/9/1 3:07

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

thank you, I'll practice and study this more.


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