Can't get FCKeditor installed! Please Help!
  • 2006/8/30 22:55

  • Edwinspie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2006/8/18


I've been strugling for hours, and I just can not get FCKeditor installed.
First i've installed the module under /class/FCKeditor (as I saw somewhere on the forum.)
Then I installed to a directory called "FCKeditor" in the root of my website as in the FCK-wiki : http://wiki.fckeditor.net/Developer%27s_Guide/Installation

Nothing seems to work. I also do not see the module on the module page ( but then again, I wasn't supposed to install the module under the .../modules/ so that isn't a too big suprise as well!
How can things that look so simple suddenly become such a frustration "GRRRR!!$$¨***!!!")

I want to use the fck editor in articles and news ( other mods too if possible but these to are the most important ones)..soo: where and how do I install this mod ?

All the techno stuff I can give to you guys:

Windows XP Proffesional ps2

Operating system Linux
Apache version 1.3.36 (Unix)
PERL version 5.8.7
PHP version 5.0.4
MySQL version 4.1.21-standard

XOOPS 2.0.14
Midnightgreen skin
Module articles version 1.02
Module news version 1.44

Realy hope to get this going!

Txs for any help!


Re: Can't get FCKeditor installed! Please Help!
  • 2006/8/31 14:22

  • Thunderock

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2006/8/31

Having exactly the same problem I just can't get XOOPS to use the FCKeditor. I know it's installed correctly

1)I can run the sample pages

2)I can get it to post info back to a dbase

My guy reaction is that I am issing some stupid little thing that I have forgotten to do like set a root directory for editors.

Any help would also be appreciated as I kind of guess we are in the same position.

Re: Can't get FCKeditor installed! Please Help!
  • 2006/9/1 2:39

  • gemtech

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/8/18

I can't get it installed either according to the instructions at:

Which says:

>1. Download the development version
>2. Unpack the archive maintaining the structure to your XOOPS >root (the file "formdhtmltextarea.php" in the folder >"sonstiges"
>[miscellaneous] has to be copied to /class/xoopsform/, but >remember to
>rename the original file before copying)
>3. Install the module via the module administration
>4. Assign authorization

-After doing that nothing appears in modules. I copied the folder: FCK-Editor/modules/fckeditor, from the archive into the modules folder of my XOOPS installation. I was then able to add the module in Administration. However, when I choose FCK Editor in the News module administration, my DHTML text editor disappears and I can't edit/post news anymore.

If anyone can tell us how they installed FCKEditor, please do.

Xoops 2.0.15
News 1.44
FCKEditor 2.3.1 build 1062

Got XK Editor (Koivi) working in News 1.44
  • 2006/9/1 3:45

  • gemtech

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2006/8/18

Downloaded xk_editor class v1.0.53 beta2.zip for XOOPS 2.0.x from:

Copied folder "wysiwyg" from archive to the "class" folder in my XOOPS installation. I then went into XOOPS Administration News 1.44 preferences and chose Koivi under "Form Option."

Then I got my WYSIWYG editor in News.

Note: I did not follow the directions in the readme.txt from the xk_editor archive such as moving system_imagemanager.html, as I could not find this file in my XOOPS installation. I also did not follow any of the directions in the XK docs folder.

One thing I don't like about this editor is that a Poster doesn't seem to be able to upload/insert a Picture from their local computer.

Re: Got XK Editor (Koivi) working in News 1.44
  • 2006/9/1 6:43

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

the reason you are not seeing your editor, to me, it seems that the fckeditor should go rather in your class folder since it not a module
2. then you have to put the required line in the xoopsformloader.
--in the news and in some other modules it is already integrated.


with the wysiwyg editor also goes in the class folder (just in case you have taken a trip elsewhere)
and you need to !

include xoops_ROOT_PATH . "/class/wysiwyg/formwysiwygtextarea.php";
in you xoopsformloader.php , if you don't have it included only.

assuming that you have already selected wysiwyg in your preference!
then select your wysiwyg. - IT is called 'KOIVI'

your user can't upload images! maybe you have not given that particular user or group upload permission.

((who has permission to upload images?!
it is in your system preference - upload images -
assign it to a group.))

the 'golden rule' is to first find a README file or a DOC folder or file. at-least for wysiwyg there is one in detail how to get it running quick and easy

Re: Really need some advise to get KOIVI or FCK editor running!
  • 2006/9/2 22:32

  • Edwinspie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2006/8/18

I can not believe it !
I haven't got any experience with these type of cms up till now, but I got XOOPS up and running like I've been doing this for years... Same with different modules...

BUT I CAN NOT GET ONE WYSIWYG INSTALLED PROPERLY!!!!!!!!!and I get soo frustrated of this!

Can someone PLEASE explaine me step by step what to do (I'm trying XK Editor (Koivi) now) or tell me where I can find a step by step explaination????
Somewhere on the line I must be doing something wrong and I'm getting stuck after all the hours ( days) I've spend on my site.

I would really appreciate it!
Txs upfront!


Re: Really need some advise to get KOIVI or FCK editor running!
  • 2006/9/4 9:50

  • Thunderock

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2006/8/31

For koivi I might be able to help...

1) Install the editr into the class folder


2) edit the file


var $htmlEditor = array();


var $htmlEditor = array( 'XoopsFormWysiwygTextArea', '/class/xoopseditor/koivi/formwysiwygtextarea.php');

That has worked for us on at least one site.

Now if only I could get fckeditor to work...I would have thought the change would have been fairly similar.

Still looking for help on fckeditor.

Re: Really need some advise to get KOIVI or FCK editor running!
  • 2006/9/4 17:17

  • jordi_rc

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 114

  • Since: 2006/8/21


How to install Kiovi:

1) Download and unzip Kiovi (XK Editor)

2) Copy the folder wysiwyg to XOOPS "class" directory (NOT to class/xoopseditor, NOT!)

3) Copy the system_imagemanager.html to modules/system/templates to replace the existing.

4) GO TO your XOOPS "templates_c" and DELETE ALL INSIDE THIS FOLDER EXCEPT "index.html".

Now activate kiovi for some module that uses it, like SmartSection, for example, and use it!

If you don't do step 4 you will have several problems to install or run any editor. Read the thread where some people helped me:

"Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe. They are won by those who find the heart to share." -MANOWAR

Re: Really need some advise to get KOIVI or FCK editor running!
  • 2006/9/4 17:17

  • jordi_rc

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 114

  • Since: 2006/8/21


How to install Kiovi:

1) Download and unzip Kiovi (XK Editor)

2) Copy the folder wysiwyg to XOOPS "class" directory (NOT to class/xoopseditor, NOT!)

3) Copy the system_imagemanager.html to modules/system/templates to replace the existing.

4) GO TO your XOOPS "templates_c" and DELETE ALL INSIDE THIS FOLDER EXCEPT "index.html".

Now activate kiovi for some module that uses it, like SmartSection, for example, and use it!

If you don't do step 4 you will have several problems to install or run any editor. Read the thread where some people helped me:

"Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe. They are won by those who find the heart to share." -MANOWAR

Re: Really need some advise to get KOIVI or FCK editor running!
  • 2006/9/4 21:04

  • Edwinspie

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 84

  • Since: 2006/8/18

Hi Jordi,

FINALLY (!!!) a simple and clear explaination which made me see that there was something wrong with my download because I didn't have the system_imagemanager.html file.

Downloaded other version
Followed your explaination
10 minutes : over an out!

And then to know that i've been strugling for hours (if not more than a full day !!!!!)

Someone should put your explaination into the Q&A or documentation because this is by far the best of what I've found on this topic up till now ( and I sure did some searching on it ! )

Thanks a mill!



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