I have recently installed both myAlbum-P and xcGallery 2, testing both to see which I prefer. I like the slideshow functionality in xcGallery.
I would like to have have two categories:
Each category would have albums/subcategories for different holidays or bushwalking trips.
For example:
Holidays > Easter Island (Easter Island being the album/subcategory)
Bushwalking > Kakadu (Kakadu being the album/subcategory)
Each album/subcategory would then hold the photos for that holiday or bushwalk.
In myAlbum-P this seems to be relatively simple to set up, where I created such a structure and started placing photos in the subcategories.
Whereas, in xcGallery, I create a Category, such as 'Holidays', but whenever I add an album it is always added under "User Galleries".
Oddly, the User Galleries category is only displayed on-screen in the top page of xcGallery when I add albums. When there are no albums only the two categories, Holidays and Bushwalking, are listed.
How do I set up a gallery structure as proposed above with xcGaller? How do I add albums under the categories I created? I did not wish to use the category 'User galleries" at all.
any assistance is welcome.
Kind regards,