Hi peoples,
please help a poor soul with no knowledge, in mysql..
I am trying to do a custom disclaimer page-- wrapped in that header+mainfile.hp and xoops-footer.
yes ! I can wrap the text in-between, the header footer as explained somewhere here, and that work great.(no i need no impressum-module, it is just onepage wrapped)
But please, I prefer to retrieve the text from the database and I don't have a clue how to-do that. ..getting down to books on a wednesday is not a good idea...
What would be that nice little code to request for the text of disclaimer to wrap in a custom php? I am dumb-in MySQL and would really have liked to do it this way rather than pasting the text in a php file.
... just wanna try something fancy. any help you have i would then consider you as ma best friend on this whole planet. If no help then i ain't be upset either..