You've got a really informative, colorful site there. Had a nice visit. You may want to reconsider the i-frames on the homepage. They kind of take away from the professional look you have.
If you're only using those blocks (or is it one block?) in the News Index, maybe you might think about moving the entry for xoops_content and place it above the center blocks array.
You may want to think also think about displaying five articles on the index rather than 10.
The Coast Guard page was interesting. I did notice that it's set to open in a new window, though.
Nice job using Google Maps with the Marinas section.
On a couple of sections that have long lists of links in columns - ex. the Tides and the Weather sections - you may want to add align="left" to your tables. Those are fairly long lists, with not a lot of space between the columns, so it's kind of hard to read them since they're all centered now.
All in all, you've got a great site that I wouldn't mind recommending to others.