gestroud wrote:
That's pretty darned creative! Great idea. The only thought I have is that it looks kind of cramped - maybe one column less. Beyond that, I like it. Is it searchable?
thanks. It's not searchable - at least not yet - the idea is to get things grouped in the right categories and have the better designs float to the top over time. I'm going to focus on getting that right before i worry about searching.
One thing I've done is linked things from the same store designer together - so once you find one thing you like, it's easy to find other things from that same person.
And I have plans to add the ability to let visitors leave comments and rate individual designs and have the user ratings be one factor in the ordering.
Thanks for the tip about it being cramped - is there a way to know the width of the user's screen while generating the html? Or is there a way to output html that will automatically adapt to what fits? 4 wide, 5 wide, 6 wide, whichever will fit best as the user resizes their display?