Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2002/12/27 8:21

  • finalfiler

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 111

  • Since: 2002/1/19

I'm looking for a quick way to delete users with invalid e-mail addresses - I suspect they create an account to register and once done, delete the account. On a mail out I usually finish up with a list of "delivery failed" messages.

Question: is there anything I should be aware of before running a simple delete query against the xx_users table, ie DELETE FROM xx_users WHERE email = "nuisance@hotmail.com" ?


Re: Deleting recalcitrant users

I wish there was a way that the registration process would check to see if the email address was valid before they get to the point of sending out the email that never gets to the end user. I mean not like they could activate their account anyway right? But still it is annoying. I get those all the time. It might be something to think about for those of us that are still going to be using the RC3 versions of XOOPS for a while, until mods and stuff for RC4 start appearing. Any suggestions on modifying the registration script to make it so that it checks the email address to see if it is valid? I know that there are probably scripts out there now that will do it, incorporating that script is my problem

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2002/12/27 15:23

  • regen_r8

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2002/5/23

No kidding! It would be nice, even if the registration process could tell the user that he miskeyed his e-mail address. I get e-mail from less savvy users who never got the activation key, and most of the time it's because they keyed their e-mail incorrectly.

I've seen some raw smtp scripts that can do this, it would be optimal to add a validate method to the XOOPS Mailer that would go out to the smtp server and validate the address's existence.

It would be cool to have a user admin functions that would run through the member list and detect those who had invalid e-mails and flag them as well. Then you could send a PM warning them before you whack their account.

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users

Ive seen some scripts just today that will do exactly what we are talking about. I might try something this coming weekend and see if I can get one of those scripts incorped into the registration part. It might be worth the effort.

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2002/12/27 18:51

  • TBrillon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2002/9/1 7

I have to admit that I do submit bogus email addresses from time to time.... but only because I HATE SPAM.

Sorry, but you guys sound like your trying to control a users visit.

I am a fellow web developer as well and I understand your itch but... your not the only one in the game. The public is as well. Forcing them to do certain things makes them go away...

Just food for thought

BTW - Great script Regen_8r

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2002/12/27 20:16

  • tom

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1359

  • Since: 2002/9/21

I agree with you TBrillon to a certain extent, but with the way the web is today, if people sign upto a web site, an E-mail is essential it helps to track prats who sign up to cause trouble, also against the fight of child porn, and other porn, you probably thinking where the hell did that come from, but this is a very deep issue/subject, it could never be covered fully.

In my opinion if people chose to register then they should submit a valid E-mail address, if not then do we really need these kind of people.

I hope some one does intergrate a script to check E-mail address, this would be a great help, I look forward to hearing of any progress.

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2002/12/27 21:05

  • finalfiler

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 111

  • Since: 2002/1/19


TBrillon wrote:
I have to admit that I do submit bogus email addresses from time to time.... but only because I HATE SPAM.

We market a 'niche' product only of interest to a specialist group. It's got me beat why othere want to register at the site anyway.

ANyway, I'm not too much concerned about that, just want a quick way to delete the useless accounts.

Re: Deleting recalcitrant users
  • 2003/12/1 15:34

  • kahumbu

  • Documentation Writer

  • Posts: 277

  • Since: 2003/8/23


finalfiler wrote:
ANyway, I'm not too much concerned about that, just want a quick way to delete the useless accounts.

As Admin, you can delete accounts from the "Edit Profile" page of users. I don't know if this is 'safer' than going into the DB and doing queries, but that's what I use.

You can use the Members module to do the searches and go to deleting accounts from there.


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