Hmmm...just had a poke around in mine and i can;t see where you might increase the max allowed file size. However, there are a few things you can make sure you have checked:
Go to the module admiin and click on Config options. Make sure you have set all the thumbnail sizes to what you want (I pretty much left all these at default)
Check that you have the right Method for resizing images - Mine is set to GD1 - works well. (don't aske me what it means - it just works!)It pays to check your allowed types too.
Now with the files too big problem you need your image editor to reduce your file sizes. This doesn't mean you necessarily reduce the physical size of the image but you reudced the 'bytes' it takes. You must have an image program on your computer. We can't help much with how to do it as we don;t know which prgoram you use. However, you should be able to open a picture, and 'resize' it. This can mean that you reduce the physical dimensions, and/or the number of pixels. To get a better file size for your site a the number of pixels should be 75. When you have 'resized' you complete a 'save as' so you still have the original picture. If you 'save as' jpeg you will also be able to reduce the 'quality' to say 50-75% and this will also reduce the file size - but might ruin the picture.
Some image editing prgrams will allow you to do all this in batches. Your program might do this.
The other way around the problem is to use FTP - and ftp your images to the folders for your albums. But you need to be really sure of which folder to put them into...
There is an FAQ on what programs do I need for success in XOOPS and it includes some recomended ftp and image processing programs which are free. I lashed out and got ACDSEE - and love it...and i use smart FTP which is free. Take a look into the FAQ's - search 'programs' and the right FAQ should come up.
Hope this helps
I found the max file upload setting in Module cnfig - look for these two lines:
Pictures and thumbnails settings: Max size for uploaded pictures (KB)
Pictures and thumbnails settings: Max width or height for uploaded pictures (pixels)
Your pictures need to fit within these limits or you need to change their size.
So....look at the properties of the pics you are trying to upload and see what size they are in KB and what size they are in pixels... then make the changes to meet the needs of the biggest one...or resize the pictures as previously said.