barryc wrote:
My experience has been that if I have a full URL for the top Main Menu item, then vertical switch sublinks won't show. I have just realized that this is inconsistent. In one test menu the problem is present, in another, in a separate multimenu block it doesn't and I will have to find time to see if I can see why they behave differently.
Back on this point.
First, there were a problem with the "related link actvation". We have corrected the script and the bug is fixed.
The next problem you have reported (in pm) is not a bug, but a misunderstood of the link specification. That is, you must understand the difference between "permanent link" and "relative link".
Permanent links would display all the time, whatever page you are on.
Relative links (which you have selected and appears for you to be unpredicative) appears only if its main link is active. For instance, if you have set 2 related links under the main "article" link. Those 2 related links would only appear if your are on one of the "article" module. If you are not, none of the 2 sublinks would display, and the main link would be active as a standard link.
So, to solve your trouble, set all your sublinks as "permanent sublinks".
Hope you get what I mean...