Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2005/11/28 20:35

  • m0nty

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It was exactly what I was looking for and it works perfect!
Wonder whats the point with seperate username and loginname.

the point is (as discussed many times during the design of 2.2)

having a seperate login name compared to username is more secure!!

if a user doesn't know your loginname then they can't brute force the password field because they will not know your login name.

so if you make login name = username, then anybody can see your username which will be the same as login name, and then can do a brute force attack and gain access to your account!

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2005/11/28 20:44

  • Bananadude

  • Not too shy to talk

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  • Since: 2005/9/16

Thanks for the explanation

It looks strange and is confusing so I personally prefer to not have it like that.
I have never seen any other sites that make use of similar functions, but it is a smart security-layer.

Maybe in future version of XOOPS it will be a function for admin/moderator usernames only.
--- censored by Bananadude ---

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2005/12/7 12:52

  • limap5

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/12/6

hi, i have test it, but.. the display name still appear in new member block how to remove that?

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2005/12/15 19:57

  • Bananadude

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 155

  • Since: 2005/9/16

I recently found one more thing that have to be modified (step 6).
I just post all you need to modify to remove displayname in XOOPS 2.2.x here, so it wont be so difficult to follow.
Thanks to baraxas who got the removing of displayname rolling

(1) In modules\profile\register.php, find these lines:
if ($op != "register") {
$newuser->setVar('uname', isset($_POST['uname']) ? trim($_POST['[b][color=FF3300]uname[/color][/b]']) : '');
$newuser->setVar('loginname', isset($_POST['loginname']) ? trim($_POST['loginname']) : '');
$newuser->setVar('email', isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '');

and replace it with:
if ($op != "register") {
$newuser->setVar('uname', isset($_POST['uname']) ? trim($_POST['[b][color=FF3300]loginname[/color][/b]']) : '');
$newuser->setVar('loginname', isset($_POST['loginname']) ? trim($_POST['loginname']) : '');
$newuser->setVar('email', isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '');

(2) Find these lines in your modules\profile\edituser.php :

and replace it with:

(3) Still in the same file (modules\profile\edituser.php), find:

and change it to:

(4) Open profile\include\forms.php and comment out with setting two slashes in front of these lines:
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_PROFILE_MA_DISPLAYNAME"uname"$uname_size75$user->getVar('uname''e')), 'required' => true);
$weights[0][] = 0;

(5) In the same file (profile\include\forms.php), comment also out these lines:
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_PROFILE_MA_DISPLAYNAME'uname'2575$user->getVar('uname''e')), 'required' => 0);
$weights[0][] = 0;

(6) Open modules\profile\admin\user.php and find the lines (it should be around line 123):

and replace it with:

If you find any more that will need to be modified or get any more "displayname is to short.." messages, please give us a word

Best Regards,
--- censored by Bananadude ---

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2005/12/15 19:58

  • Bananadude

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 155

  • Since: 2005/9/16


limap5 wrote:
hi, i have test it, but.. the display name still appear in new member block how to remove that?

It's because the user registered before you enabled this hack.
I think it is possible to edit some code there too, but you can instead do something that is a lot easier.
After you have changed everything that needed to be modified in the short guide above, log in to your admin panel.
Go to Extended Profiles >> Users, then edit the spesific user/s. You don't have to change anything, just save it.

Best Regards,
--- censored by Bananadude ---

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2006/1/8 20:24

  • owenjh

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Hi, I tried to implement this hack with 2.2.3 FINAL and It didn't work. I couldn't complete this step becuase it wasn't found in the file.

$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_PROFILE_MA_DISPLAYNAME"uname"$uname_size75$user->getVar('uname''e')), 'required' => true);
$weights[0][] = 0;

I have been playing around with this for a while and cannot seem to get it to work without getting display name is too short errors.

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2006/1/8 21:06

  • owenjh

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I don't think this hack works for 2.2.3 FINAL

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2006/2/3 0:57

  • Mandlea

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m0nty wrote:

It was exactly what I was looking for and it works perfect!
Wonder whats the point with seperate username and loginname.

the point is (as discussed many times during the design of 2.2)

having a seperate login name compared to username is more secure!!

if a user doesn't know your loginname then they can't brute force the password field because they will not know your login name.

so if you make login name = username, then anybody can see your username which will be the same as login name, and then can do a brute force attack and gain access to your account!

This has to be the most idiotic "feature" I've come across so far duering my short spell with Xoops. Why on EARTH the XOOPS development team thought it would be a good idea to allow users to chop and change their displayed name whenever they felt like it, and in so doing cause not only confussion to other members but also admins, is BEYOND me!!

Sure, I understand the "security" issue, but if you (the XOOPS dev-team) felt it needed to be included AT LEAST put in the effort to make it an OPTIONAL administrative feature and not compulsory. Not all admins want thier users changing their visual names whenever they feel like it - FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!

For god sake...remove this stupid addition in the next update or else you'll lose many potential XOOPS users. It's just not something most Admins want or indeed even NEED. Do your research Xoops!

I just hope I can find a hack to remove this crap or else I'm going to have to switch over to Drupal

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2006/2/4 12:03

  • Mandlea

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and the fact that there is not a single reply from any of the XOOPS Devs regarding this BUG IN THEIR DESIGN proves they probably do not actually *LISTEN* to what their users want. And the fact that they dont listen to their users is probably why they thought it was a good idea to include this ridiculously obscure feature in the first place.

I'm currently wasting a lot of time trying to remove this code from all php scripts and forms. It's not easy as the DISPLAYNAME field is quite imbedded in the general Extended Profile module and its scripts. So far I have removed it from the registration process and all works well by replacing this silly DISPLAYNAME (uname) variable with the regular loginname variable in all profile scripts.

I just have one problem when I try to edit a new registration...whenever I submit an edit to a profile I'm getting the error message "uname required". It's not immediately obvious to me where in the scripts this request is comming from atm.....so if anyone has any ideas PLEASE POST. Perhaps one of the XOOPS Devs would care to shed some light on this considering theyre the ones who created this unnecessary problem in the first place???????

Re: Can I remove Displayname from user registration (xoops 2.2.3)
  • 2006/2/4 14:18

  • Mandlea

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2006/2/3 0

there is a new protest thread / discussion to encourage the XOOPS Development Team to REMOVE this displayname "feature" here

just post and ask for it to be removed. hopefully the dev-team will listen and resolve this in their next XOOPS update


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