Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 9:20

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

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Great ideas everyone

About the theme control: we're doing the site in XOOPS, and with the features that are available. So please keep the new features to an absolute minimum


Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 12:09

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Here's another layout proposal. I had this one in mind for the product site as a three column. For the community and dev sites, the left column could be disabled to reduce clutter and the links next to the logo and the download block could easily be changed as well.

Click on the image for the full size graphic
Resized Image

You can dowload the source PNG HERE if you want further this concept.

Best Regards,

Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

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Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 13:26

  • Mamba

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JMorris wrote:
Here's another layout proposal. I had this one in mind for the product site as a three column.

Looks nice. But we need to have a banner on top (for Google AdSense), as it generates good money for the project.

I would also suggest to include Menu from Tigra:
to make navigation easier.
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Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 13:53

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

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Mamba wrote:
JMorris wrote:
Here's another layout proposal. I had this one in mind for the product site as a three column.

Looks nice. But we need to have a banner on top (for Google AdSense), as it generates good money for the project.

The banner doesn't have to be at the top...

I would also suggest to include Menu from Tigra:
to make navigation easier.

I have a paid license for the Tigra Menu Pro, but there are very good free ones out there as well... And open source too.

However, I'm not that fond of dropdown menus, especially for the main navigation. For the backend they're good.

I'm much more a fan of navigation like they do at Digital Web. The main navigation is part of the header, while the section navigation is the top-left block. This is friendly and still easy to navigate. As you can see in my own wireframe, this is the navigation I propose.


Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 14:15

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23


Herko Coomans wrote:
I have a paid license for the Tigra Menu Pro, but there are very good free ones out there as well... And open source too.

Tigra Menu is free. The Pro version is not free.

However, I'm not that fond of dropdown menus, especially for the main navigation. For the backend they're good.

If they are visually nicely incorporated in the theme, they could be helpful.

I'm much more a fan of navigation like they do at Digital Web. The main navigation is part of the header, while the section navigation is the top-left block. This is friendly and still easy to navigate. As you can see in my own wireframe, this is the navigation I propose.

But the problem is that you have to make extra clicks to get to the section. With dropdown menus I need only to move the mouse above it to see what's inside. Much faster for the user and less traffic for the network.
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Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 17:19

  • skenow

  • Home away from home

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If I understand the topic, the initial problem in front of us is to determine what goes on the page (the big blocks), not necessarily where it goes on the page, right?

For a general web site, the primary components are
* Header
* Navigation
* Content
* Footer

Pretty basic. Now break the big sections into the XOOPS blocks (left, center-left, center-right, center-center, content, right, banner). There's your (x)html.

CSSZengarden does the same - here's the html (no positioning is done there), add your css and graphics to make it look the way you want.

Then add your other criteria - scalable, fluid, cross-browser compatible, CSS1/2 valid, accessible, language friendly (UTF-8 discussions elsewhere).

That's how I would start...

Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/6 20:24

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

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ok guys, I have an idea about the new theme, here is a visual view of it!
IN this plan, the left block is visible by default, but the right column is only accessible through the use of block control (block controls change the visiblility of left and right blocks). We have a font control in here as well so either a page should pop out witht he font changing controls or a set of buttons should be placed to upper the size of the font, or lower it, as well as its boldness and italics.
I would like to put a search bar in the theme as well, but I forgot to do so when I was creating this and currently I don't have the tools to do so, so I apologize because of this.
Also, the navigation bar should have a gradiant patern so that it would look cool.
It is also important to note that , the center blocks (right-center, left-center,center-center ) do not have block_title cell to look unique and fully customizable. This way the admjinistrator is able to change the lauout whichever he wants and these blocks whould not look the same!
I hope this plan helps you guys to decide how the next theme will be!
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/7 17:23

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

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a first screen from me, playing first time with colours, logo and stuff

Resized Image

for bigger image klick LINK or visit


Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/7 17:51

  • kaotik

  • Just can't stay away

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Wow! Nice job StudioC! I would however recommend more saturation of blues (maybe even other colors,this is just my opinion) but pastel and bland colors are getting old. Strong colors (without going overboard, of course) send a modern message.
Maybe even work some grafics into there for visual references.

Re: [design] The design framework
  • 2006/1/7 18:06

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Oustanding Michael!

My only suggestion would be to add a 1px border (perhaps #333333) around the primary logo text to make reading the lower half easier.

I think the overal layout is much more fresh and modern and the colors are a logical and easy on the eye. There's still a bit too much white for my tastes, but that's a small matter.

I've been eager to see what you would come up with. Impressive work, as usual.

Best Regards,

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