my contest is the following:
XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version: CBB 1.16
PHP Version: 4.3.3
MySQL Version: 4.0.15
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System: Windows XP (locally)
Theme you are using: blue_ipb
Custom template: (Yes/No) Yes (if it means that I have cloned the original template)
PHP Debug Messages: No message
MySQL Debug Messages: No message
Smarty Debug Messages: No message
A full description of the issue:
If I click on forum I get this situation:

So if I go into the system admin -> template -> forum
I see this:

and if I try to generate it I get this message:
"Selected file does not exist)"
but the files exist in the folder \modules\newbb\templates\
Does someone know what have I to do?